TI11 results, prize pool distribution and more
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TI11 Jenkins hairstyles – Ranked from worst to best!!
After an exciting week of playoffs, we thought we’d give you all some breathing room by giving you our thoughts on Jenkins’ recent hairstyle he’s had on panel
Christian Decker
LGD get a redemption win as they slaughter OG 2-0
After a rougher than expected start to their TI run, LGD turned it around with an absolute stomping of another tournament favorite, OG.
Christian Decker

The Dota 2 TI11 Secret shop is out now! Fresh merch on sale
Ahead of the group stage at the International, Valve have announced the Secret Shop website opening up to take orders!
Christian Decker

TI11 will be one month long and fans are not pleased
Valve finally unveiled TI11 dates revealing that this TI would be 4 weeks long accompanied with an odd format.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

TI11, The International 2022 confirmed to be held in Singapore
After days of teasing, Singapore is confirmed as the location TI11 will be held
Michael Hassall

Valve hints at the new TI11 location
In a sequence of random tweets, it seems like Valve is hinting the new TI11 location – and it might be in Singapore.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee