Up against former teammates, Secret pulled no punches – promptly 2-0ing Liquid on OGA Dota PIT S5’s opening day.

The opening day of OGA Dota PIT Season 5 had bangers back to back - but truly saved the best series for last. After three blockbuster matches in their own right - it was time for the main event: Team Secret vs Team Liquid.

With rosters that look like a fantasy-enjoyer's wet dream, Secret and Liquid looked ready to explode onto the WEU DPC. Sure enough, both squads got off to a running start, going 2-1 and 3-0 respectively so far. Still, their much anticipated DPC matchup would have to wait - or so we thought.

In a bid to ruin the sleep schedules of every SEA fan, their faceoff was brought forward one week to the first day of Dota PIT. All eyes were on this series, and why wouldn't they be? On top of being a clash of absolute giants, it was a brawl between former teammates as well. But as things are and always have been in Dota 2 - only one team wins.

Team Secret dismantle Liquid early on

To kick the series off, both teams drafted tempo heroes to try and wrestle control from their opponents early on. The hope for Liquid fans was that Michael "miCKe" Vu would repeat his DPC dominance on his mid Ember Spirit. Unfortunately, that dream would slowly dissipate by the 10 minute mark - that would see miCKe buyback for a measly kill onto Clement "Puppey" Ivanov's Snapfire.

With all three lanes won, Team Secret's lead continued to grow while Liquid couldn't seem to find their flow. Sensing the game slip out of their grasp, Liquid would wait for BKBs to smoke up. Alas, it would be swift reinforcements in the form of buybacks from Secret's supports to shut Liquid down.

The Aydin "iNSaNiA" Sarkohi led team would gather for yet another ill-fated smoke. This blunder would prove far more costly - and opened the path for Secret to posture around the pit. Against their better senses, Liquid knew they had no choice to contest Roshan. Of course, Sumail "SumaiL" Hassan knew this as well.

While Liquid would cling on for a few more fights - the curtains would close for them shortly after. Michał "Nisha" Jankowski would end the game 11/0/14 on his Luna, with Secret up 28k by the end of the massacre.

A Game of Roshans

With the series one win away, Secret spared no spice - picking a safelane Spirit Breaker for Sumail and Daryl "iceiceice" Koh's signature Timbersaw. Liquid would answer with Undying Weaver tri-lane to back up Lasse "MATUMBAMAN" Urpalainen's Phantom Assasin. Contrary to Game 1, the early game would play out relatively quietly, with neither side gaining a clear advantage.

Learning from their previous game, Liquid would make use of their minus armor to secure an early Roshan. Completely undeterred, Secret simply took a fight even against Aegis, and sent their old teammates packing.

Despite a few nice Ultra Kills from Matu's PA, Secret were still in a commanding position. They would use this advantage to clear the Liquid stragglers from around the pit, and posture for a second Roshan.

Just as the game was looking done and dusted, a miraculous Aegis steal from Ludwig "zai" Wåhlberg would put an abrupt halt to Secret's highground attempt. This bought just enough time for Samuel "Boxi" Svahn to grab a bounty - giving PA the missing gold he needed to buyback. Powered up by Invoker's Alacrity, Matu made quick work of the Secret heroes.

This back-and-forth would go on, and as racks fell on both sides, it was the third Roshan that would decide the fate of the game. Down but not out, and hail-mary Divine Rapier in Matu's hands, Liquid prepared to face the end. In the age-old dance around the pit, Liquid would make a roundabout maneuver just to run into the one hero they wanted to avoid - iceiceice Timbersaw. Needless to say, Liquid got completely shredded.

With their entire team dead, Liquid were forced to tap out even before the Roshan fell.

Team Secret kicking into Gear

If this is any preview of the upcoming WEU DPC matches, Team Secret fans have much to rejoice about. Despite a bit of a shaky start to the season dropping a game to OG, Puppey and the lads are seemingly stabilizing. As for Team Liquid, they've been dealt their first loss this season. With that said, there's no shame in losing a team like Secret.

With this series win, Secret move on in the Upper Bracket, and face old rivals in Nigma Galaxy. As for Liquid, they fall to the Lower Bracket where they will take on a struggling Alliance.

Based on the quality of games we witnessed today, it appears there will not be a single lapse of good Dota 2 ahead of us. In any case, the action will continue on 16th December at 12:00pm CET, and you can watch the tournament here.

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