You ever girl boss so hard you started competing in a death game?
Apex Legends, the free to play battle royale by Respawn Entertainment, has an extremely diverse cast of Legends that has been regularly updated since 2019. How many female characters are in Apex Legends and exactly how popular are they? Find out below as we break down the stats of Apex’s girl boss cast!
How many female characters are in Apex Legends?
As of Season 23, there are 14 playable female characters in the PC version of Apex Legends. Their names are Alter, Ash, Bangalore, Catalyst, Conduit, Horizon, Lifeline, Loba, Mad Maggie, Rampart, Valkyrie, Vantage, Wattson, and Wraith. Here’s a breakdown of each of them and their abilities.

A manipulative Void Breachr that can bend dimensions to her will.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Gift from the Rift: Can remotely interact with a deathbox to claim one item. Cannot be a shield core. Void Passage: Creates a portal passageway through a surface. Void Nexus: Create a regroup point that all allies can remotely interact with to open a phase tunnel back to that location. |

A simulacrum with a split personality, Ash used to be Dr. Ashleigh Reid before she died in an explosion.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Marked for Death: Scans death boxes, which marks the locations of the squad that killed that player, allowing your team to track them down. Arc Snare: Throws a snare that will damage and tether an enemy. Phase Breach: Opens a one-way portal with her sword for 15 seconds. |

Born into a military family, Bangalore fought for the IMC before the war ended. Now she fights in the Apex Games with her brother and her found family — the other Legends.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Double Time: 30% increase in movement speed for a short period when taking enemy fire. Smoke Launcher: Fires a smoke canister that briefly covers a small area with smoke. Rolling Thunder: Call in an artillery strike to the ground that explodes briefly after impact. |

Catalyst fought to protect her home, the moon Cleo. But when the Apex Games arrived on her beloved moon and took everything away from her, she decided to join into the Games and fight for her home.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Barricade: Reinforces doors and strengthen them with her ferrofluid, which locks out enemies. Piercing Spikes: Creates a patch of ferrofluid which spikes when enemies are near and damages them when touched. Dark Veil: Creates a permeable wall with ferrofluid which stuns enemies when they pass through it. |

On her rebuilt homeworld of Nexus, Rowenna Valentina Coffey Divina chose joy, her ever-present smile offering hope amidst the rubble of a government coup. She used the remnants of a fallen Monarch Titan to boost her quest to be an Apex Legend.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Saviors Speed: Gain a burst of speed when running toward a teammate out of Tactical range. Radiant Transfer: Send a surge of energy to a teammate, generating temporary shields for them and Conduit when in danger. Energy Barricade: Deploy an array of shield jamming devices which damage and slow enemies. |

A scientist trying to solve an energy crisis, Horizon was sent to the future through a black hole and now fights in the Apex Games to fund her research to find a way back in time.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Spacewalk: Reduced fall impact and faster midair movement. Gravity Lift: Creates a gravity lift that carries players upwards 30 meters and lasts for 10 seconds. Black Hole: Throws out a black hole device that pulls players towards it for 12 seconds. |

The daughter of war profiteers, Lifeline fights in the Apex Games to help fund communities in need with her winnings. She is one of the original female characters that came out with the game.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Combat Glide: Lifeline can grab D.O.C and glide for a few seconds. D.O.C can also revive teammates hands free. D.O.C Heal Drone: D.O.C heals all nearby allies. D.O.C can be assigned to follow allies once deployed. D.O.C Halo: Throw D.O.C to activate his Halo Shield System. All players inside use Health and Consumables faster. |
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Despite intially infiltrating the Apex Games to kill Revenant, Loba decided to stick around for the treasures and the women.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Eye for Quality: All epic and legendary loot within range are highlighted and can be seen through walls. Burglar’s Best Friend: Throws her bracelet to teleport to hard to reach places. Black Market Boutique: Places a device that allows players to teleport two pieces of loot directly to their inventory. |
Mad Maggie

A freedom fighter for Salvo, Mad Maggie was forced into the Apex Games as a death sentence after her home planet signed a treaty with the Syndicate.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Warlord's Ire: Highlights enemies you’ve damaged for 0.8 seconds and allows Mad Maggie to run at full speed while holding a shotgun. Riot Drill: Fires a drill that attaches to walls and obstacles while burning enemies on the other side. Wrecking Ball: Throws out a fast-moving ball that places speed boosting pads and explodes, stunning enemies. |

A gun modder with a big attitude, Rampart joined the Apex Games after her modding shop was burned down by her rivals.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Modded Loader: Faster reloads and increased magazine size when using LMGs and the Minigun. Amped Cover: Deploys a short wall that blocks enemy fire and amps up outgoing shots, boosting the damage by 20%. Mobile Minigun “Sheila”: A special mobile minigun that fires at a high rate of speed, can be placed down for anyone to use as a stationary turret. |

An accomplished sniper since she was little, Vantage fights in the Apex Games to raise awareness for the wrongful conviction of her mother.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Spotter’s Lens: When unarmed, Vantage can zoom in 3x to spot enemies and identify Legends and shield levels. Weapon scopes 2x or greater provide the same effect. Echo Relocation: Position Echo, your bat, within line of sight and launch up to his location. Sniper’s Mark: Pull out a special sniper rifle that marks enemies and gives bonus damage for consecutive shots from you and your whole team. |

Valkyrie, the daughter of Viper, joined the Apex Games to create a legacy for herself.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | VTOL Jets: Jetpack that allows around 6 seconds of flight alongside a HUD that shows the enemy location while skydiving. Missile Swarm: Shoots a swarm of missiles that damage and stun enemies. Skyward Dive: A launch ability that brings Valkyrie, along with her teammates, into the air to enter a sky dive. |

Wattson joined the Apex Games after her father's funeral to help protect her new family — the other Legends.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Spark of Genius: Wattson’s shields slowly regenerate over time and Ultimate Accelerants fully charge Wattson’s ultimate. She can also carry two Ultimate Accelerants per slot. Perimeter Security: Places fence nodes that create electric fences. Fences stun and damage enemies while Wattson and teammates can pass through unharmed. Interception Pylon: Places a pylon that destroys any incoming grenades or ordinances while restoring the shields of any player within range. The pylon also boosts Wattson’s Perimeter Security recharge rate. |

After losing her identity and memories to science experiments, Wraith joined the Apex Games to learn more about her past by investigating old IMC bases.
Passive Tactical Ultimate | Voices from the Void: Wraith hears a voice that warns her when there is danger from enemies nearby. Into the Void: Enters a void state that allows Wraith to speed up by 20% while also allowing her to avoid any type of damage. Dimensional Rift: Wraith places a two-way portal that lasts for 45 seconds and can be used by anyone. |
How popular are the female characters of Apex Legends?
The most popular female character in Apex Legends is Lifeline, at 20.9% pickrate, according to Apex Legend Status. Lifeline has just had a rework, which is why she is so popular at the moment.
In fact, six of the top ten Legends are female. The least popular female Legend is Catalust, at 0.5% pick rate.
It’s honestly refreshing to see a game just create female characters without any sort of focus on sex appeal. Every single female character in Apex Legends is a fully-realized character with fun character quirks and unique personalities. They’re all completely competent people who would absolutely murder you in a second if you saw them in the Apex Games. From the most hardened military badass to the cutest electrician, each one is an effective little murder machine and that’s queen stuff.
It’s fantastic that the developers of Apex Legends are committed to creating more equality in video games for women, even through the simple act of creating good characters who happen to be women.
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