The ultimate tips, tricks and playstyles for Octane, the best speed demon in Apex Legends.
Octane is the ultimate speedster in Apex Legends. The inspiration for the characters design actually came from a famous Titanfall 2 speedrunner, who discovered you could use Frag Grenades to gain extra speed around their gauntlet time trial course.
Octane was the first legend to be added to the game, back in Season 1. He has been one of the most popular legends for several seasons despite not having any insanely powerful abilities.
What's up with that, and how can you make the most of Octane? Our Octane Apex Legends guide has you covered.

Octane Apex Legends guide: What makes Octane good in Apex Legends?
One of the main reasons for Octane is that he is infectiously fun to play. Moving around the map quickly lets you get in or out of situations at a fast pace. We've all been bored to death by a pubs match where you can't find any action. Additionally, there are some really nice movement combinations with his Launch Pad Ultimate.
- Octane is insanely fun to play, and easy to pick up for new or casual players.
- Speed around the map to always be in the action.
- Combine movement techniques with his Jump Pad.
- His abilities can't really change a fight for you.
- You can be lured into almost killing yourself with his stim.
- Costs 20 health (or all health but 1, if Octane has 20 or less health).
- On activation, stim removes all slow effects, except the intended slows players receive while healing. Slows that are applied after activation will only be reduced, not removed.

Octane Tactical:
- Increase walk speed by 30% and sprint speed by 40% for 6 seconds. Costs Health to use. Reduction to slows while active.
- Costs 20 health (or all health but 1, if Octane has 20 or less health).
- On activation, stim removes all slow effects, except the intended slows players receive while healing. Slows that are applied after activation will only be reduced, not removed.
Octane's tactical is one of the simplest abilities in the game. Press your tactical, lose 20 health, and go faster.

Tips for Stim:
Tip #1:
Please, PLEASE watch your HP while using this ability. The ability has a one second cooldown, meaning you can very very quickly deplete your health in no time at all. This can be especially dangerous when in zone, or facing an enemy Caustic.
Tip #2:
If you're popping a Phoenix Kit or a Med Kit, you can hit your Stim JUST before the heal pops. This will give you the speed boost but at the cost of no lost health.
Tip #3:
This ability is great for quickly getting an off angle or a reposition. You always have the security of re-joining your team by using another Stim too. There is a slight audio and visual queue when you pop this ability, so bear that in mind.

Octane Passive:
- Automatically restores health over time.
- After avoiding damage for 6 seconds, Octane restores 1 health per second.
Worried about the amount of Syringes and Med Kits you're going to need to heal after using your Octane Stim? Don't worry - his Swift Mend passive passively regenerates flesh health when he is out of combat.

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Tips for Swift Mend:
Tip #1:
This ability is not a replacement for needing health heals. It wont heal you up as fast as say, the Mixtape mode automatic healing. Sure, you can save on a few syringes here and there but you cannot get away with not carrying any health meds at all in your games.
Tip #2:
You don't get any health healing from Swift Mend until six seconds has passed since you last took damage. That means that this ability will not activate if you are outside the Ring. Bear that in mind, and if you have to spend some time outside the Ring, have enough health heals to survive.

Octane Ultimate:
- Deploy a jump pad that catapults anyone through the air. Press the jump button to double jump.
- Launch Pads have 200 Health.
- Maximum 4 on map.
- Will send players in the direction they were moving when they touched the launch pad.
- Hitting the jump pad while walking or sprinting will launch players along a high arc.
- From a crouch or slide, players will launch along a low arc, meaning they'll fly lower but farther in the horizontal direction.
- If the player used melee's momentum to get onto the jump pad, they will bounce straight up and down.
- Players cannot double jump while healing or while downed.
The Launch Pad is perhaps the most flexible part of Octanes kit. Letting you make fast rotations, pushes or getaways. You can even use the Launch Pad to trip up enemies by blocking doorways with it!

Tips for Launch Pad:
Tip #1:
When you are mid air, your weapons will have a severe aim penalty. This makes it pretty useless to try and shoot enemies below you. However, you can still throw Grenades. Spamming Grenades as you soar over someone's head. This does take a little bit of practice but can be very powerful.
Tip #2:
You can combine the Launch Pad with a 'tapstrafe' to change direction very sharply in mid air. This opens up even more movement possibilities and can catch players completely by surprise.
Tip #3:
At one stage, the Launch Pad was basically silent. Teams would just send onto you, with 0 audio queues at all. Thankfully, that is no longer the case. Placing and taking the pad gives off distinct and loud audio. This can make it hard to use this ability secretly, so bear that in mind.
Octane Apex Legends guide: What legends work well with Octane?
If there was ever a legend to use aggressively it is Octane. His abilities are totally wasted playing passively, if we are being honest.
Aggressive Playstyles:
Yes... Revtane might be a good combination once more. However, not in the way it used to be at least! Conduit always assists any fights with her Radiant Transfer. Bangalore is simply a powerful legend to be aggressive with.
Passive Playstyles:
Octane speed around a Gibraltar Dome of Protection is always something to behold. Otherwise, these legends will benefit from the rotational ability that the Launch Pad can provide.
There is a reason that Octane has remained consistently one of the most popular legends. He is fun to play, even including stimming past your teammates to snag loot, and simple to understand. A good time is guaranteed if you pick this speedster!
Thanks for reading our Octane Apex Legends guide.
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