Gravity shmavity.
Horizon has been on a journey in Apex Legends. She went on a run of being completely broken, getting nerfed, being useless then getting buffed again. Now she sits in a pretty balanced spot, and is a solid legend to use.
If you were an absolute Horizon grinder back in the day some of her old strengths don't really apply. But if you play to her current strengths she is still very effective.
With our Apex Legends Horizon guide, you and N.E.W.T will be unstoppable.

Apex Legends Horizon guide: What makes Horizon a good legend?
Horizon has two main strengths. Vertical repositioning and advanced movement techniques thanks to her passive. Taking strong positions in fights is very powerful, and no one does it better than everyone's favourite Space Mom.
- Take height alone or with your team thanks to her Gravity Lift.
- Black Hole can be combined with Grenades to cause a serious headache for opponents.
- Spacewalk passive can be combined with movement techniques to make yourself impossible to hit.
- It can be very easy to take to the skies when low health and become an easy kill.
- Accuracy going up the Gravity Lift is very poor.
- Black Hole has to have direct lines of sight on opponents to pull them.

Horizon Tactical:
- Reverses the flow of gravity, lifting players upward and boosting them outward when they exit.
- Throws a device which creates a 30 meter cylinder above it. Players that enter the cylinder are lifted upwards.
- Players inside the lift can move horizontally. Exiting boosts the player upwards and outwards.
- Players that reach the top will hover there for 0.5 seconds, then be ejected.
The Gravity Lift lets anyone inside soar into the air. It is designed to help you reposition and take high ground in a fight. Unlike other movement abilities, it allows your entire team to reposition. This makes it stronger than a Revenant Leap or even Valkyries jetpacks for instance.

Tips for Gravity Lift:
Tip #1:
Obviously the Gravity Lift is designed to help you and your teammates move up into the air. However, you can use it to block doorways inside buildings too. Just throw it down in front of the doorway and no one will be able to pass through. You won't be able to get through either so bear that in mind.
Tip #2:
Another great tactic is to throw the Lift as a distraction. People are used to immediately staring at a lift to see if anyone takes it. This can provide a crucial distraction to allow you to get a heal off or reposition unnoticed.
Tip #3:
The Gravity Lift used to have high accuracy when shooting inside it. Now, that has been much reduced. You can still use the Horizon Lift aggressively to spot enemies and chase them down. You can combine this with her Passive ability to help close the gap on your target.

Horizon Passive:
- Increase air control and reduce fall impacts with Horizon’s custom spacesuit.
- Horizon experiences no landing shock from landing after a long fall.
- If Horizon lands while crouching, she will immediately transition into a slide.
- Horizon makes quicker turns in mid-air.
This ability is a secret weapon. The faster air strafes and no jump stun unlocks a lot of movement potential for Horizon and lets her combine this with other abilities.

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Tips for Spacewalk:
Tip #1:
The Spacewalk Passive makes Horizon an absolute beast when hot dropping in pubs. The lack of stun means you have a head start picking up that first weapon. Take advantage of this to win your off drop fights.
Tip #2:
Horizon's passive is like a turbocharger for movement techniques. Things like Neo Strafing and Tap Strafing are extra effective thanks to Horizon's extra speed in the air. Make the most of these movement techniques if you want to really maximise what you can get from Horizon.
Tip #3:
On Storm Point, the lack of jump stun pairs really well with Gravity Cannons. You can land from the Gravity Cannon into a slide and cover some crazy distance. Of course, your teammates can't keep up. So, this ability makes Gravity Cannons more of a powerful and quick escape for Horizon if anything.

Horizon Ultimate:
- Deploy N.E.W.T. to create a micro black hole that pulls players in towards it.
- Throws a low-gravity device. 2 seconds after landing, players in a [10] meter radius are pulled towards the device.
- Lasts 12 seconds.
- N.E.W.T. has 175 HP and can be destroyed to cancel the pull.
- N.E.W.T. is susceptible to friendly damage.
- Enemies are highlighted if their position is behind the N.E.W.T.
N.E.W.T can be devastatingly effective when used well. It destroys doors, pulls people inside it and requires a significant amount of damage to destroy.

Tips for Black Hole:
Tip #1:
Of course, for those who don't know, stacking Grenades into the centre of the Black Hole is a powerful combination. However, those Grenades now do damage to N.E.W.T himself after one of the many adjustments Horizon has received.
The same principle applies to other abilities though. Combining Horizon with things like Caustic's Ultimate, Gibraltars Ultimate or Fuses Ultimate can be devastatingly effective.
Tip #2:
However, this ability can still be effective without combining it with a damage-doing ability. You can use it to steal an advantage in a fight. Once an enemy unloads their mag into N.E.W.T you know they are having to reload. Close the gap on them and deal damage while they do this. If they choose not to shoot the Black Hole you'll have an even easier kill!
Tip #3:
Because the Black Hole destroys doors, this can be a really effective way to force your way into a building. If your opponent is sat on a door, or perhaps the door is blocked by things like Caustic Gas Traps the Black Hole can let you force your way in.

Apex Legends Horizon guide: What legends work well with Horizon?
Horizon is absolutely suited to a more aggressive playstyle. She is wasted if you are sat in zone and not taking advantage of what her abilities have to offer.
Aggressive Playstyles:
Both Fuse and Bangalore have abilities that combine well with Horizon, specifically her Black Hole. Putting a smoke into the centre of N.E.W.T for instance is extremely disorientating.
Octane has the movement and speed to keep up with Horizon, and you can cover great distances by using both of their abilities in turn.
Passive Playstyles:
Caustic also makes a great combination with Horizon, but is much more suited to a passive playstyle. Loba's job is simple, provide as many grenades as possible to the team in order to combine them with Horizon's Black Hole.

Horizon is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable legends to play. She is a solid option for those players who want to play aggressively, enjoy movement techniques and always have an eye out for the opportunity to take a vertical position in a fight.
Thanks for reading our Apex Legends Horizon guide.
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