The new patch wasn’t enough for Nigma Galaxy.
Nigma Galaxy was founded by the end of the year 2019. Then, they were considered the second-best team in the world, after their roster had an amazing TI run that same year. Years passed, some players changed, but they never made it to The International. After losing 2-1 to PSG.Quest, Nigma Galaxy is also out of TI 2024 WEU qualifiers.
PSG.Quest is not a new rival for Kuroky's team. When the ESL Pro Tour was created, they considered MENA as a new region with its own qualifiers. This was the opportunity for Nigma Galaxy to start qualifying for some tournaments. However, the region was quickly dominated by PSG.Quest and Team Falcons.
On the other hand, The International didn't consider MENA as a separate region, forcing Nigma Galaxy to play TI 2024 WEU qualifiers: Considered the most competitive region and the hardest way to TI.
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Nigma Galaxy's short run on TI 2024 WEU qualifiers
It was a rough, but promising start for Nigma Galaxy, as they lost to OG Esports with a 2-1 score. The MENA team had to face one of the most consistent teams in the region, and still got really close to winning the series.
For a team that many expected to be stomped, they almost found a way to win. Unfortunately for KuroKy's team, Wisper's Enigma sent them to lower brackets.
Nigma Galaxy continued their road to TI 2024 by eliminating Just Better without any troubles. The next day, they had to face PSG.Quest, their regional rivals. As of today, Miracle and SumaiL's team has not been able to beat Paris Saint-Germain for the last three major patches. This series was not an exception, as they lost despite a very well executed game two.
With this result, KuroKy will miss his fifth TI in a row, and PSG.Quest will have to face OG Esports, if Valve and PGL allows them to play. For more exciting news on TI 2024 WEU qualifiers, make sure to keep following!