How to Get the Golden Ticket in Apex Legends

Alexandra W

Alexandra W

What is the Apex Legends Golden ticket and why is it useful? It could be a new map. What do you think?

With season 14 of Apex Legends coming to a close at the end of October, fans are hungry for hints of what next season will bring to the game. The most recent teaser has come in the form of a golden ticket. Wait… with no chocolate bar? 

Collecting this golden ticket from the replicator during a battle royale match (at the cost of 125 crafting materials) will reward you with a Legendary golden weapon and unlock a game mode called “A New Home”, which will be accessible on October 19. 

How to Get the New Home Golden Ticket

Obtaining the golden ticket to unlock the “A New Home” is very straightforward. 

  • Enter a Battle Royale match 
  • Find a Replicator, now marked with golden icons on the map
  • Collect 125 crafting materials from the surrounding area
  • Craft yourself a ticket!
  • Collect your Apex Legends golden ticket and a Legendary golden weapon (which includes all attachments) 

Taking the ticket will let you know that it can be used to “see the future home of the Apex Games”. This game mode and its countdown can be found in the game modes tab. 

Also worth noting is that this Apex Legends golden ticket can be crafted in another match to get a golden gun, but you can’t pick up the ticket again. This could potentially make one side of the Replicator useless if your whole squad has already picked up a ticket before.

What is the new Game mode??

We’re not sure right now! We can reasonably assume that this mode will feature the new map that is set to come out with Season 15. Recent leaks have suggested this map will be on Boreas or its moon. This makes sense with recent Apex Legends lore highlighting Seer and his struggles with his home planet, Boreas.

After a tense interview about his lack of interest in helping his home planet, the second chapter of the Season 14 Lore Comic showed Seer on Boreas with Vantage and Rampart. There, he speaks to the owner of the Syndicate and proposes bringing the Apex Games to Boreas to boost their economy. (Sort of like the Olympics!) 

Soon after, artwork from the official Apex Legends Twitter account was released. It shows the hands of Duardo Silva working on his computer, his iconic green glasses neatly folded to the side, with phone calls from Seer, Jacob Young (PR for the Apex Games, and Lisa Stone (Prominent reporter). A mock up for a potential Octane Town Takeover sits in the shadows.

A later tweet from the Apex Legends Twitter shows Octane working on his Town Takeover in more detail with Seer. Small text is also peeking out from under Seer’s lunch, reading, “And in conclusion, Mr. Silva, Boreas would make an ideal location for.” For what exactly? Surely, time will tell.

So far, nothing has been confirmed by Respawn regarding the next season. Hopefully more official news comes out as the Fight or Fright month comes to a close. Check back on for more Apex Legends updates!