John or nah: Hungrybox claims his controls were switched at Smash Ultimate Summit 6

Hungrybox lost to MkLeo at Smash Ultimate Summit 6 but is claiming it’s due to someone switching his controls before the match.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

Luminosity signs MkLeo and Tweek to create the “greatest” Smash roster

MkLeo and Tweek have joined Maister on Luminosity to create one of the most iconic rosters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

Smash players can now pre-order the Smash Box controller

The Smash Box controller is finally here and it’s shipping soon. But should it be allowed at Smash tourneys at all?

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

The first official Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tier list reveals best and worst fighters

The first official Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tier list is here, put together by the top players in the pro scene.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

Hungrybox considers banning Steve from Coinbox due to broken tech

Hungrybox might be banning Steve from future Coinbox tournaments due to newfound broken tech that has the Smash community frustrated.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

T1 drops GOAT MkLeo, Smash community stunned and concerned

MkLeo is the top player in the Smash Bros. Ultimate scene but that didn’t stop him from being let go from T1. What’s going on?

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

Controlling the Game: Dabuz talks GameCube controller modding, art, and button layout

In our first installment of Controlling the Game, Ultimate pro Dabuz shares what makes his GameCube controllers unique to him.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page

No chair is safe as Hungrybox is voted into Smash Ultimate Summit 6

Another chair has fallen victim to Hungrybox after the Jigglypuff main was voted into Smash Summit 6 during a livestream.

Olivia Richman

Olivia Richman Super Smash Bros Game Page