What are the Rainbow Six Siege PC requirements?
Here are the basic system requirements for Rainbow Six Siege.
Even more layoffs: Ubisoft cuts 33 employees from Toronto studio
Ubisoft’s “targeted realignment” results in layoffs at its Toronto studio.
Luis Gomez
How to change your Ubisoft name
Here is a guide on how to change your Ubisoft name.
Bryson Maddock
BattleCore Arena announces technical test
The new BattleCore Arena title is hosting a technical test for those itching to try out the game.
Bryson Maddock
Ubisoft confirms Beyond Good and Evil 20th Anniversary Edition
Ubisoft has confirmed that it is releasing the 20th anniversary edition of Beyond Good and Evil in 2024. The game is a cult classic originally released in 2023.
Raviprakash Rao
Rainbow Six Siege Y7S4 patch notes: New ranking system provides better skill progression
The Old MMR system gives way to Rank and Skill in Rainbow Six Siege.
Ubisoft reveals FIVE new Assassin’s Creed Projects at Ubisoft Forward
In their latest Ubisoft Forward, developer Ubisoft announced several upcoming Assassin’s Creed projects. that cater to all sections of the series’ fan base.
Raviprakash Rao
Six Invitational 2022 shifts to Sweden; No live audience
Ubisoft is allowing co-streaming for select streamers and content creators. It is also exploring a case-by-case approval for third-party watch parties.
Ubisoft is taking a leap forward into the world of NFT’s
Ubisoft’s newest project, the Quarts NFT, is looking to change the landscape of gaming cosmetics.
Sage Datuin
Ubisoft to Develop Play-to-Earn Blockchain Games
Ubisoft is going the Blockchain way even as Valve moves in the other direction.