Tundra Esports’ overpowered Harpy strat sparked reactions from the community
Tundra’s match against Nigma Galaxy saw an overpowered Harpy Scout strat which sparked some reactions from the community.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee
Cap explains the two biggest changes of Patch 7.31 and what it means to Dota 2
Need a deeper look into Patch 7.31’s biggest changes? Dota 2 caster, Cap offers you his quick patch analysis!

Esports.gg Editorial Team
The biggest Dota 2 item changes in 7.31 and how they’ll work
Dota 2’s 7.31 patch has brought a lot of surprising changes, including major reworks to several items.

Esports.gg Editorial Team

Dota 2 introduces new neutral creeps in Patch 7.31
The neutral creeps are angry and they’re fighting back! Check out all the new creeps ability upgrades and new creeps in Patch 7.31!
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Best Heroes to try in Dota 2 patch 7.31!
Patch 7.31 has changed many of the heroes we know and love drastically. Here are our top 5 that you should give a whirl!
Mike Tsang

Patch 7.31: New Techies Ability Inflicts Joyous Pain in Dota 2
Here’s all you need to know about the new Techies in Dota 2 Patch 7.31.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Primal Beast added as new Dota 2 hero in patch 7.31
The hotly anticipated 7.31 patch has landed and brought a new hero to the game.

Esports.gg Editorial Team

Dota 2’s 7.31 patch gives Marci Aghanim’s upgrades
With the release of 7.31, Marci finally gets her Aghanim’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard upgrades
Michael Hassall

Patch 7.31 Predictions and Wishlists: Team Spirit, Aui_2000, Noxville, TeaGuvnor, and more
Patch 7.31 is coming soon! Here we have compiled a ton of patch predictions and wishlists from Dota 2 pros and talents.
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee

Gamers Galaxy announces first Dota 2 LAN of 2022
It’s the biggest Dota 2 tournament in the region and features the likes of Secret, OG, Fnatic and many more.