Season 10 is all about mobility and shields.
Overwatch 2 Season 10 has brought a myriad of new changes to the Activision Blizzard hero shooter. Venture, the game's 40th hero, brings a whole new element to the game and paired with a few new balance changes and reworks, has shaken up the meta. Here's our full tier list, fit as best as possible for each competitive rank.
Overwatch 2 Season 10 tier list: Overall most meta heroes
Disclaimer: Before we dig into the full tier list for Season 10, it's important to note that this is, as best as we can make it, designed to fit into each rank. This author has played Overwatch 2 since Season 1 in multiple different ranks from Silver to Diamond and fully understands that each rank plays differently. However, some heroes can almost universally play better or worse based on balancing.

In this list, heroes are ranked left to right by strength, but are also sorted by hero type (tank, support, and DPS). In general, heroes that have a harder time surviving dives and lack mobility are going to struggle more in Season 10, thanks not only to Venture's arrival, but also to a rework of Wrecking Ball and a steady power creep on heroes like Sombra and Tracer. To survive in Season 10, you need shields and mobility.
Update: The tier list above has been updated to reflect the April 30 patch notes. This caused the movement of several heroes to account for the ripple effect of Orisa no longer being as dominant.
Best tanks in Overwatch 2 Season 10
Season 10's S-tier was previously dominated by Orisa until the most recent patch. It's now occupied by D.Va, Doomfist, and Sigma. While each has a somewhat different role in the overall metagame, we think players should feel very strong on either of these three thanks to their shields, dive potential, and damage mitigation. They also pair great with others in the meta at the moment.
These are more favorable choices than heroes like Zarya, Roadhog, and Reinhardt, who all have less synergy with other powerful heroes. These three have a very hard time diving and have a struggle with DPS heroes like Sombra, Tracer, Venture, or Pharah.
In general, if your team is running more of a dive, you should feel fine on Doomfist, Wrecking Ball, or D.Va. If you've got a more poke-heavy DPS lineup of, say, Cassidy and Sojourn, we would recommend running a Sigma or Ramattra.
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Best supports in Overwatch 2 Season 10
For support players in Season 10, it's hard not to want full mobility through heroes like Kiriko, Moira, Lucio, and Mercy. These four can cover just about any team composition and enable all of the best tanks and DPS heroes to do their jobs.
Of all the DPS, Zenyatta feels by far the worst in Season 10. Everyone's favorite omnic monk just can't handle all of the dive pressure, despite how strong his discord orbs are. The same can more or less be said of Illari, Ana, and Baptiste.
Supports need to be able to handle, or at least evade, a Venture drilling at their face, a Sombra hack, and/or a Wrecking Ball slam because all will inevitably happen this season. And with how much your team will be flying around, you'll need to find ways to fly out of harm's way with them.
Best DPS in Overwatch 2 Season 10
The best DPS in Season 10 are the peskiest, plain and simple. With a few tanks feeling very strong right now, they are going to demand a lot of focus from the enemy team, leaving room for heroes like Sombra, Tracer, Pharah, and Echo to find easy damage pathways. This list also previously included Venture, until they were nerfed in the most recent patch notes, alongside Orisa.
But, this season isn't just about dive and high-flying DPS as Cassidy and Sojourn also feel very strong — especially behind a Sigma shield or a Ramattra. In fact, these two rank so high because of their ability to counter some of the other meta picks this season.
If you are running Junkrat, Symmetra, Hanzo, or any of the other lower-tiered heroes, you aren't necessarily throwing, but there are likely far better picks this season. Embrace the dive, and be thankful we aren't running GOATS or bunker compositions anymore!
We hope you've enjoyed this Overwatch 2 Season 10 tier list. For more guides like this one and news about Overwatch 2, make sure and stay tuned to esports. gg!