You’ll have to look high and low for Venture counters in Overwatch 2.

Overwatch 2's first burrowing hero, Venture, has become a staple in the game's meta since their competitive release in Season 10. But after the April 30 patch notes that significantly nerfed the hero, their state in the game may be a bit more situational. In any case, here are our picks to synergize with and counter Venture in Overwatch 2.

Get ready to go in when you have a Venture on your team (Image via
Get ready to go in when you have a Venture on your team (Image via

Best Venture synergies in Overwatch 2

Venture benefits from working with other heroes who can collapse on a squishy enemy hero in a flash. This is thanks to the hero's mobility and close-quarters playstyle. Here are our favorite picks at each role to go alongside Venture.

Best tanks to play with Venture

With Orisa's recent nerf, she isn't as viable of an option as she used to be, however, running a Ramattra in a death ball composition or Wrecking Ball, Winston, Doomfist, or D.Va in a dive would still work great. As long as your tank can push the backline with you and not leave you out to dry, you should get in good shape.

Best DPS to play with Venture

DPS heroes like Sombra, Tracer, and Pharah feel especially strong alongside Venture. Pharah can give enemies fits, as they simply won't know whether to look up or down, and both Sombra and Tracer can easily finish off that last bit of HP that you may lack, especially given Venture's recent nerf. In a true death ball composition, Mei and Reaper could also be viable options for short and mid-range fights.

Best supports to play with Venture

Venture has a knack for getting left high and dry in certain spots. Heroes like this can always use a Lifeweaver to pull them out of harm's way. Otherwise, Moira and Kiriko are both still S-tier on our latest tier list and work perfectly alongside the burrowing hero. You may have a harder time supporting Venture on someone like Ana or Baptiste, who require more predictable movement patterns.

Countering Venture is all about range and mobility (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)
Countering Venture is all about range and mobility (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Overwatch Venture Counters

Countering Venture requires a quick hand and, preferably, some solid mobility. Players need to be ready to escape the incoming dive, mitigate the damage, or get out of dodge. Here are our favorite picks at each role to counter Venture

Best tanks to counter Venture

Until her recent nerf, we probably would have recommended Orisa here. However, there are still solid options in the form of D.Va and Doomfist. These two heroes have some of the best peel potential of any in the game and should give players plenty of mobility to get back and help out your likely frustrated backline.

Best DPS to counter Venture

Overwatch Venture counters at the DPS role are all about aim. Venture can be frustrating in the face of many, but Cassidy and Sojourn are about as good as it gets for countering them. Both have enough mobility to get away when needed and enough range to out-shoot Venture. Or, in a pinch, you can always go to Pharah.

Best supports to counter Venture

Supports that deal best with Venture are ones that can burst heal and punish dives. We love Kiriko for this and, at times, someone like Ana can take Venture out of the picture with a good grenade. We'd also recommend Lucio, Moira, or Mercy purely for their mobility.

We wish you the best of luck with Venture, whether you are with them or against them in your competitive matches. For more guides like this one, check back with for the latest!