The VALORANT 7.04 patch notes dive into the massive update to various Agents and several new additions to the game.

The VALORANT 7.04 patch notes are here, ushering in Episode 7 Act 2. This is one of the most ambitious updates, and enraging for some, VALORANT has had in a long time. It delivers a slew of Agent reworks, map pool changes, the launch of Premier, and plenty more.

VALORANT 7.04 patch notes

These patch notes are packed. There are a ton of highlights compared to previous ones. We'll share with you all of the goods, so you know what to expect when the VALORANT 7.04 update goes live.

Breeze changes

The changes to Breeze are loaded. Both sites and the middle section of the map received tweaks. The map itself appears to be more focused on singular lanes, as many additional pathways have been removed. This includes the A Hall area, where you can no longer walk from one end of the map to the other.

Check out all of the changes here:

Introducing Sunset

Up next in the rotating map pool is Sunset. Riot Games revealed the new map during the final day of VALORANT Champions 2023. Inspired by Los Angeles, you'll notice plenty of familiar architecture and culture. It also brings a heavy focus on Mid control compared to other maps in the game.

Breeze and Sunset will replace Fracture and Pearl once the VALORANT 7.04 patch takes place. Get a preview of the new map here:

Agent updates in the VALORANT 7.04 patch notes

This is where the meat of the VALORANT 7.04 patch notes is. There are a ton of Agent changes taking place, meant to balance the game. Some members of the community aren't too happy, but it is what it is. We all have to accept the overwhelming nerf Jett received.

View the big Agent updates here:

Official Premier launch

With Episode 7 Act 2 comes the official launch of Premier. After multiple testing phases, players can finally compete in every Act to decide who is the best. There's quite a few new features and slight changes to additional ones coming with the official launch.

Take a look here:

VALORANT 7.04 bug fixes

Lastly, every patch comes with at least some bug fixes. The VALORANT 7.04 patch notes are no exception. Here are a handful coming with the update:

  • Fixed an issue where Sage's Barrier Orb breaks when placed between doors, such as C Garage on Haven
  • Fixed a bug where an Agent's body appears in Spawn after dying on Facture's zipline
  • Fixed a bug where pressing Play on your keyboard transmitted voice despite having a different keybind set

Read the official patch notes in full and stay tuned to for more esports news and VALORANT coverage.