UAIM won back to back Storm Point matches.

UAIM sneaked out a narrow victory, seeing off a late push by Aurora to secure a much needed ALGS Pro League win. The roster won back to back games, opening up a huge lead on the rest of the lobby.

Aurora made the team sweat, almost stealing victory with the last fight of the game. However, the points that UAIM earned from the first two games simply gave them an insurmountable cushion.

Despite not grabbing a victory today, Aurora have opened up an early lead on the overall EMEA standings and seen in a great spot to qualify for LAN.

UAIM win back to back Storm Point matches

The all Ukrainian UAIM played fantastically on the day's Storm Point games. Artyco, Sanya and Max Strafe all have significant competitive experience and they put that to good use.

They opened with back to back wins, earning a huge 47 points across the first two games. Bizarrely, they had to fight Vamos Querer for both of their wins, with the top two being identical in both of these games.

It was a great example of power that great positioning carries in Apex Legends. K4shera and VQ rotated incredibly quickly, setting up in a 'god spot' and holding space down with defensive legends. They even deployed Valkyrie in order to ensure they could rotate safely.

Meanwhile UAIM used the Trident to rotate quickly to good positions, this led them to a great position in game one. However in game two, UAIM found themselves having to work very hard to get into the zone as it pulled away from them.

Where UAIM had the upper hand over their counterparts was abilities. Their composition is more flexible, but also carries more weight in fights.

Having Conduit, Bangalore and Catalyst gave UAIM extra utility in the final fights. While Valkyrie did help VQ secure a good spot, she offers very little once you are established in the spot you want to hold down. Conduit's Energy Barricade ultimate is proving deadly effective for teams in this ALGS split.

Worlds Edge woes

It wasn't all smiles for UAIM, they did struggle on Worlds Edge. The side earned just eight points across their three games and will need to improve their showing on that map.

Yet, you allow yourself room for error with such a dominant Storm Point display and UAIM were deserved winners today. Improvement on Worlds Edge could establish them as major contenders for both a LAN spot and perhaps even the Pro League title.

Top Five

  • UAIM - 56
  • Aurora - 54
  • LCDF - 52
  • Orgless and Hungry - 47
  • LVH - 46

Aurora back up Saturday's victory

Aurora backed up yesterday's phenomenal ALGS performance with another very effective showing. The team flexed their versatility winning a game on Storm Point and then Worlds Edge back to back.

They finished second, denied back to back victories by Alliance who prevented them winning the days final game. Had Aurora won this game, they would have been the first team to secure the new 'bonus points' that the ALGS awards for teams that win 50% or more of the days matches.

It was a much less kill heavy performance from Aurora yesterday, but that will feel like a positive for the side rather than a negative. Both of their game wins came with 6 kills each, showing that they can be effective in winning games without having to take lots of fights.

9impulse (Photo EA/Joe Brady)
9impulse (Photo EA/Joe Brady)

Their relative consistency will also please fans. Aurora started their ALGS Pro League campaign in the best possible terms, but if you can't regularly get good points on the board you will not be in a LAN position come the end of the season. With a reduced 7 qualifiers and 1 regional final winner heading to LAN, competition is fierce in EMEA.