Helmets are a thing of the past in Apex Season 24.
Almost all Helmets are getting removed in Apex Legends Season 24. This is one of a number of changes coming in Apex Legends: Takeover designed to shake up how long fights take, reduce the overall time to kill and make Apex Legends combat feel very different.
The removal of Helmets means that players will be able to take, and deal, some serious damage. Weapons like Sniper Rifles and Marksman Rifles are made significantly more powerful by this change.
Here's what you need to know about the removal of Helmets in Apex Legends Season 24.
Everything you need to know about Apex Legends Season 24:
White, Blue and Purple Helmets are a thing of the past in Apex Season 24
Helmets have been a staple item in Apex Legends ever since the game released. They have been tweaked over the years, but fundamentally are a core aspect of the game that players have depended upon for six years.
As a result this change means Apex Legends Season 24 will feel wildly different. You will no longer be able to find White, Blue or Purple helmets in the game at all. Now, headshot damage will be both brutal and consistent. Players will be able to know that they can turn a fight around by landing a headshot, but also have to fear and respect the potential to take a lot of damage in a split second.

Now of course, as part of a suite of weapon changes, headshot damage has been adjusted. It won't feel like fighting in Season 23 with no Helmet, but will still fundamentally change how fighting feels. Respawn developer Eric Canavese points to the Sniper and Marksman Rifles as weapons that will now feel incredibly strong this season - if you can hit your shots.
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What about the Gold Helmet?
The Gold Helmet is sticking around in Season 24. However, it will no longer have a headshot damage reduction so it won't be a cheatcode to protect yourself from these changes.
Now, it will provide a perk that we previously saw on the Support Class in Season 23. The Gold Helmet will allow you to get double the healing from Cells and Syringes. It won't have the time reduction that the Support Class got last season. In addition, the Gold Helmet will advance you to Purple Armour regardless of your EVO level.
That makes it reminiscent of the old Gold Armour seen in Apex Seasons past.
New Red Helmet coming to Apex Legends Season 24
The Gold Helmet isn't the sole survivor of this Helmets purge in Season 24. It is joined by a new Helmet, the Red Helmet. This item will only be found in Care Packages and Mythic Bins. Just like the Gold Helmet it will not have a headshot damage multiplier.

However, it will give you an extra 25 HP. This season Red Armour (125 HP) is not obtainable through EVO Levelling. This new Red Helmet is the only way to get that extra 25 HP and as a result will be a very, very powerful item in the game.