The Finals has seen a resurgence, so if you’re new, use these tips and tricks to stay up to speed with the other players.
The Finals is a very unique first-person shooter. The movement, gunplay, and modes all feel similar to other titles, but absolutely have their own flavor. It can be hard to perfect, to be honest. That's why we have these tips and tricks for The Finals.
If you want to learn a few things about how to win in the game's Cashout mode, look no further. The five tips ahead will have you racking up wins and ranking up in the World Tour.
5 tips and tricks you should know for The Finals
Grenade from below
To this day, this is something many players aren't aware of. For this tip in The Finals, the trick is to use a grenade from the floor below. Of course, a regular frag will just bounce off. We're talking about Gas and Pyro here.
If you hear an enemy above or know they're setup on the next floor up, you can send a Gas or Pyro grenade at the ceiling. While a Gas grenade does bounce, it will still move up through the floor. The Pyro grenade ignites on contact, so it will immediately set the floor above on fire.
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Different gadgets cancel each other out
Speaking of grenades, it is important to know how to counteract some gadgets. It is like a game of rock, paper, scissors when you're using the likes of Gas, Pyro, Smoke, and even Goo. Each one has an effect on the others.
Send a Pyro onto Gas to cancel the Gas. Send a Smoke onto Pyro to cancel the Pyro. You a Pyro onto some Goo to catch it on fire, or vice versa. Expand the area of the flames by throwing a Goo at the edge of the Pyro. This can create some great opportunities to move in or block an enemy cashout.
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Destroy, destroy, destroy
This is one of the most important tips and tricks you can learn about The Finals. Just about everything in the game can be destroyed. Use that to your advantage, whether as a heavy with a melee weapon or a light/medium with gadgets and carriables.
You can shut down a path behind you by toppling a building. There's a chance you can close off access to a cash out by bringing down the roof above. Plus, seeing all of that destruction stay put throughout an entire round of Cashout is just plain cool.
Focus on reviving your team
At times, reviving is more important than going for a Cashout box in The Finals. If a teammate is down, they can use a coin after a lengthy respawn timer to get back in. If the entire team gets wiped, then a just as lengthy respawn timer begins counting down for everyone.
Don't try to take fights alone or as only a duo if you're know you're outnumbered. Grab your teammates trophy and move somewhere safe. You should much rather have a full squad ready to push the next objective that pops up rather than freely give away a numbers advantage.
Every weapon can be effective
Some members of the community might tell you otherwise, but we're going to say they're downright wrong. Yes, there is a meta that players stick by, but that doesn't mean you need to abide by those made up rules.
Every weapon in the game can be effective in the right hands. Find something you enjoy using, practice it, and master it. If you do, there's a chance you'll play against the meta-only players who aren't familiar with how your weapon works, and that's a good way to catch them off guard.