Nagas are here, and for you to be prepared, we bring you a Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List. Check which are the best heroes in the game!
Nagas are all over Hearthstone Battlegrounds but don’t panic, in this article, you will find the early Tier List for patch 23.2. The Rise of the Nagas season brought a lot of changes to the game, not only the new Naga Minon Type and the Spellcraft Keyword, but also Battlegrounds Buddies have rotated out. Check this article to learn which are the Top Hearthstone Battleground Heroes and their best comps.
Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List
Once again came to the rescue of all the data-hungry Hearthstone Battlegrounds players with the updated Tier List for patch 23.2. Despite the data collected being from a 3-day spawn, it will help us understand the Nagas' impact on the game.
We need to mention as well that the data collected is from the top 20% of players. But since there was a Ranking reset with the patch, data might fluctuate before it stabilizes. Despite all this, it is worth going over the best performers.
Tier 1 Battlegrounds Heroes
Fungalmancer Flurgl

- Hero Power: Passive: After you sell a minion, add a random Murloc to Bob's Tavern.
- Best Comp: Murlocs
- What to look for: Early Murloc triples into Brann Bronzebeard and SI:Sefin from tavern 5.
Despite the nerfs to Murlocs, Fungalmancer sits at the top of the Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier list. When everyone is forcing naga and stats, poison Murlocs can be the answer. You have to remember that Sefin now requires a little bit more setup, and given that Nagas can have a Devine Shield end-game, Selfless Heroes and Unstable Ghoul are amazing tech units for the final battles.
Tess Greymane

- Hero Power: Refresh Bob's Tavern with your last opponent's warband.
- Best Comp: Nagas
- What to look for: Lava Lurker and Shoal Commander for early tempo. Stormscale to level it up and finally Athissa for scaling.
So when everyone is looking for the same pieces, that is where Tess shines. It is only natural that players want to force Nagas not only for their power level but because they are new. Tess Hero Power it’s what got her to second place on this Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List. Use the Hero Power to search for good triples and play as much tempo as you can. Once in tavern 5 try tripling into Tidemistress Athissa and combine her with Stormscale Siren for massive Spellcraft-based scaling.

- Choose a minion in Bob's Tavern. Discover a higher Tier minion to replace it.
- Best Comp: Nagas
In a meta inclined towards Powerleveling and looking for powerful Tavern 5 or 6 units, it is no surprise that Galakrond will be at the top of Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List. Use the Hero Power and look for direction. If you miss and are still strong on board, feel free to take a turn to reroll. If you are falling behind don’t be afraid of choosing a tempo option. The idea is that you should get first to the good scaling units and take that direction.
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Cookie the Cook

- Hero Power: Throw a minion in your pot. When you've gathered 3, Discover from their minion types.
- Best Comp: Nagas
- What to look for: Nagas to Hero Power and discover tempo options for the early-mid game and direction/scaling.
Despite being repetitive, the top of this Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List is all about the same, getting triples consistently. Cookie’s Hero Power helps discover triples or key minions along the way. The tempo boost you get once every three turns is useful to keep leveling up and finding an early Athissa.
Scabbs Cutterbutter

- Hero Power: Discover a plain copy of a minion from your next opponent's warband.
- Best Comp: Nagas
- What to look for: Lava Lurker and Shoal Commander for early tempo. Stormscale to level it up and finally Athissa for scaling.
Well, at this point you probably found the pattern. Scabbs enters this Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List due to its Hero Power and the ability to get triples or key minions consistently. As long as the majority of the lobby is forcing Nagas, you won’t have a hard time finding triples and assembling your composition. Getting a token on Turn 1 gives you an incredible advantage since you can buy a minion and Hero power on Turn 2.
Other Compositions outside Nagas
Four out of the Top 5 Heroes in this Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier list are all about taking advantage of forcing Nagas, but what other strategies can you develop? Well, Murlocs are still successful, but after the nerfs only Fungalmancer Flurgl can have top performance. However, there are other options out there.
Rokara has a good Mech synergy due to Divine Shields. You won't be able to get many first places since it is a Tempo hero that doesn’t have the best end game. Still, if you don’t want to compete with the rest of the lobby for the same minions, it is a viable option.
Furthermore, N’Zoth is another good example of good old comps. Leapfrogger Deathrattle comps are consistent for getting at least a Top 4. The main advantage of this comp is that you will have little competition in looking for Barons and Macaws when everyone is forcing Naga comps.
Finally, another Tier 2 Hero in this early meta is Death Speaker Blackthorn, with the flexibility of having a Menagerie or Quilboar end-game. If you played these comps in the past, not much has changed. Without buddies, you will face fewer power-spike opponents and you should be able to pull off a Top 4 game most of the time. Once again, late-game scaling gets outperformed by Nagas, but you will still be climbing.
Early conclusions of this Hearthstone Battlegrounds Tier List
According to this data, the meta revolves around Powerleveling and finding the good scaling Nagas. Because of this, some tempo Heroes can still perform, but if they don’t high roll they will lose in the late game.
If you don’t find Nagas, don’t be afraid to pivot into a Murloc composition, poison is a good way of making stats not matter. Calculate how greedy you can be with the Damage Cap, and cross your fingers so you can stabilize before receiving your final blow.
Make sure you remember that these are the first days of the new meta and you are not the only one that feels lost. If you want to seek guidance remember to check your favorite streamers or the Lobby Legends Battlegrounds Noblegardens competitive event.
Stay tuned to for more Hearthstone Battlegrounds news and updates. See you next time in Bob’s tavern