The Hearthstone Battlegrounds Rise of the Naga season will kick off with the new Spellcraft keyword, a bunch of new cards, and more.

The Hearthstone Battlegrounds Rise of the Naga season will launch on May 10th, and arriving alongside the Voyage to the Sunken City shenanigans will be the Spellcraft keyword, minion pool updates, and Queen Azshara herself!

New Spellcraft Mechanic and No More Battlegrounds Buddies

The new Spellcraft keyword is new to Hearthstone Battlegrounds, and Kripparrian went into detail about it in a video.  

“Spellcraft is a mechanic that triggers when you play the card for the first time," Kripparrian said. "So it's kind of like the Battlecry effect in that regard. But it's not a Battlecry effect, so you're not like going to get double the effect with Bran. The Spellcraft effect will also trigger at the start of each turn, so you're going to get the effect every turn.”

Minions that have the Spellcraft keyword grant a temporary spell, and that spell must be used on the same turn it was generated. The Spellcraft effects last until the player’s next Recruit phase. Therefore, If the player’s hand is full, then these spells will “wait” until a free space is available in the player’s hand. 

As for Golden Spellcraft minions, they will generate Golden versions of the Spellcraft spells and have double the effect. 

"[...] It allows you a more dynamic playstyle because instead of locking in your decisions, your Divine Shields, let's say, you have the option to use the card that you get from the Spellcraft every single turn differently each turn based on what your opponent might have and how you might be able to counter him," Kripparrian also noted in terms of how Spellcraft will affect the meta.

"Buddies are rotating out to make room for Naga. That will be a big shake-up in itself, but it also gives us space to do more powerful things and have less complication going on overall."Dominic Calkosz on Battlegrounds Buddies - Hearthstone Battlegrounds Game Designer

Kripparrian also confirmed with Hearthstone Battlegrounds Game Designer Dominic Calkosz that Battlegrounds Buddies will be rotating out of the game mode. 

"Buddies are rotating out to make room for Naga,” Calkosz said. “That will be a big shake-up in itself, but it also gives us space to do more powerful things and have less complication going on overall.”

Glowscale card reveal. Image via Kripparrian.
Glowscale card reveal. Image via Kripparrian.

Amalgadon Leaves Minion Pool and Nightmare Amalgam Returns

While Kripparrian revealed the Glowscale card, Educated Collins participated in card reveals as well. In a video with Shadybunny, he presented the Deep-Sea Angler, Eventide Brute, and Mantid Queen.

Deep-Sea Angler, Eventide Brute, Mantid Queen, and Nightmare Amalgam. Image via Educated Collins.
Deep-Sea Angler, Eventide Brute, Mantid Queen, and Nightmare Amalgam. Image via Educated Collins.

The video also noted that Amalgadon will leave the minion pool, while Nightmare Amalgam will make its return. 

“Amalgadon is out,” Shadybunny said. “For the past two years, Amalgadon has been the strongest late-game minion. If you could add more Amalgadons to your board, it was probably the correct play. With this change, we might be seeing variety in endgame boards.” 

Meanwhile, CarryPotter and Gotorkun introduced Shell Collector, Waverider, Corrupted Myrmidon, and Darkgaze Elder.

Hearthstone Battlegrounds Minions Enter Rise of the Naga Season

In addition to the aforementioned cards and the Snail Cavalry, Tidemistress Athissa, Mini-Myrmidon, Shoal Commander, and Stormscale Siren revealed in Blizzard's announcement, Kid Invincible and NinaisNoob showcased the rest of the cards coming to Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Snail Cavalry, Tidemistress Athissa, Mini-Myrmidon, Shoal Commander, and Stormscale Siren. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Snail Cavalry, Tidemistress Athissa, Mini-Myrmidon, Shoal Commander, and Stormscale Siren. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

These include Bristleback Knight, Critter Wrangler, Eelbound Archer, Lava Lurker, Leeroy the Reckless, Orgozoa, the Tender, Pashmar the Vengeful, Reef Explorer, and Young Merk-Eye.

Pashmar the Vengeful, Reef Explorer, and Young Merk-Eye. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Pashmar the Vengeful, Reef Explorer, and Young Merk-Eye. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Here is the full list of minions: 

  • Corrupted Myrmidon (Naga)
  • Critter Wrangler (Naga)
  • Deep-Sea Angler (Naga)
  • Eelbound Archer (Naga)
  • Eventide Brute (Naga)
  • Glowscale (Naga)
  • Lava Lurker (Naga)
  • Mini-Myrmidon (Naga)
  • Pashmar the Vengeful (Naga)
  • Shell Collector (Naga)
  • Shoal Commander (Naga)
  • Snail Cavalry (Naga)
  • Stormscale Siren (Naga)
  • Tidemistress Athissa (Naga)
  • Waverider (Naga)
  • Darkgaze Elder (Quilboar)
  • Mantid Queen
  • Orgozoa, the Tender
  • Reef Explorer
  • Young Merk-Eye (Murloc)
  • Leeroy the Reckless
  • Nightmare Amalgam (All) 
  • Bristleback Knight (Quilboar)
Queen Azshara in <a href="">Hearthstone Battlegrounds</a>. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Queen Azshara in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Naga Conquest information. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Naga Conquest information. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Queen Azshara Joins Hearthstone Battlegrounds

The Naga theme in Hearthstone Battlegrounds is not complete without Queen Azshara. She will have the Azshara’s Ambition passive, which lets her begin her Naga Conquest through discovering a Naga.

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