Which legends are most picked, and which are hardly picked at all?
With so many legends in Apex, it can be hard to decipher which legends are the most useful. One way to decipher that, is through Apex Legends pick rates. Which legends are most popular? You could either accept the collective wisdom, or think about which legends might counter the most popular choices!
We've broken down all of the current pick rates per class. All rates are accurate as of March 22 and are provided by Apex Legends status.
Assault Class: Apex Legends pick rates
The Assault class has some of the best perks available in the game. Bangalore is set to get some pretty hefty nerfs in the upcoming mid season patch, so her pick rate may fall as a result. Currently, the Apex Legends pick rates are being disrupted by the challenges to get the Reactive Flatline recolour. Fuse was the first legend challenge, and that has boosted his rate.
- Bangalore - 6.6%
- Ballistic - 1.2%
- Fuse 5.7%
- Ash - 2.5%
- Mad Maggie - 3.1%
- Revenant - 5.2%
- Assault Class total - 24.3%

Controller Class pick rates
The controller class legends all have among the lowest Apex Legends pick rates. But, over in the ALGS they are among the most popular. Why is this?
Simply, these legends can be pretty boring to play. Their playstyle focuses on being inside zone, usually inside buildings. That makes them unappealing to most casual players.
Rampart has seen a huge spike in her pick rate however, this is once again thanks to the Reactive Flatline challenges.
- Catalyst - 0.9%
- Caustic - 2.9%
- Wattson - 1.9%
- Rampart - 8%
- Controller Class total - 13.7%

Recon Class pick rates
Recon legends have seen some of the biggest swings in their Apex Legends pick rates. At one point, Seer was a near 100% pick in some ALGS regions. But, after a hefty nerf he became a very unpopular Legend. Bloodhound has seen a slight rise in their Apex Legends pick rate after the new Legend Upgrade system was introduced.
- Bloodhound - 6.5%
- Seer - 1.5%
- Vantage - 1.6%
- Crypto - 1.1%
- Recon Class total - 10.7%

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Support Class pick rates
Support legends have one of the stronger class passives. The ability to craft banners that have expired was a big game changer when it was introduced. However, the Support class currently has two of the least popular legends in the game. Both Gibraltar and Newcastle have struggled in the Apex Legends pick rates for some time. This is because they are hard legends to play, require sweaty lobbies and have huge hitboxes.
- Loba - 3.5%
- Lifeline 5.6%
- Mirage - 3%
- Gibraltar - 1.2%
- Newcastle - 0.9%
- Support Class total - 14.2%

Skirmisher Class Apex Legends pick rates
The Skirmisher class has the weakest class perks of all the classes in Apex. So, why do these legends have among the highest Apex Legends pick rates?
Frankly, these legends are almost all the most enjoyable to play. They all have fast paced movement techniques, which suit how most players want to play the game. Because these legends were already powerful and popular, they did not need a strong class passive.
It's no surprise that Octane, who has an Jump Pad that allows them to cover great distances, with a Legend Upgrade that adds extra movement is the most popular Apex Legend at the moment.
- Pathfinder - 8%
- Octane - 8.5%
- Wraith - 7.1%
- Horizon - 4.8%
- Valkyrie - 2.3%
- Skirmisher Class total - 30.7%

Who has the highest Apex Legends pick rate?
The legend with the highest pick rate is currently Octane. He's incredibly popular thanks to his ability to move around the map very quickly, always staying in the action. Don't tell anyone, but the ability to pop a Stim and beat your teammates to a Care Package with a Kraber in it is pretty powerful...

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Apex Legends coverage and esports news.