In Season 16, Control became a permanent addition to the Apex Legends matchmaker through the mixtape playlist. Here’s how it works:
In Season 16, Apex Legends introduced the Mixtape playlist to the matchmaker, a permanently accessible playlist of rotating Limited-time Game Modes (LTMs) that players can participate in at any time. Among the included game modes is Control. When introduced, Control became one of the most popular LTMs with the player base and laid the foundation for the Mixtape Playlist.
An introduction to Apex Legend's Control Mode
Control is a 9v9 Objective Control game mode where three full squads team up to compete against 9 enemies to gain control of designated areas on the map. Players contest to capture three "Zones" on the map and the more zones they control, the more points they get. Additionally, Control features a Rating system to determine the best player in the battle. The game mode features in-game events that allow players to capitalize on these timed events and gain an advantage. It's a take on the Area/Zone control game mode from other FPS games in an Apex Legends flavor. And here's our guide for it:
The Objective: Control zones and gain enough points to Win

The main objective in Control, as the name suggests is to control as many zones for as long as you can. The more zones your team controls, the more points it earns. The first team to earn 1250 capture points wins the game. Each map has three capturable zones and a base for each team. The teams start out at the base and must make their way toward the zones. Both teams have a zone near their base and one central zone to capture and contest. In the event of a lockdown, a team can secure a quick victory by securing all three zones for a set duration.
The Ratings System - Incentive to become the MVP in Control Mode

Individual player scores in Control are determined by the "Ratings" system. Players can earn ratings for performing actions that contribute to the benefit of the team's objective. These include capturing and contesting zones, getting kills and assists. Higher ratings reward players with upgrades to their loadout. Players start with blue-tier weapons. If they stay alive long enough and earn enough ratings, their weapons get upgraded to purple, and later gold tiers. Like Apex Legends BR mode has a kill leader system, Control has a "Rating Leader" who is considered the MVP at the end of a match. Rating Leaders gain bonus XP at the end of the game.

It's worth noting that the game mode rewards a lot more ratings to players for contesting zones and playing to the objective. While there are plenty of players that ignore the objective and go hunting for kills, treating the game mode as a quick way to farm frags and gain an adrenaline boost the game mode rewards players that play to the objective. Contesting, capturing and defending zones earn a lot more ratings than kills or assists.
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Control Mode Loadouts

While the load-outs are a bit random in control mode, there is something resemblant of a structure to it. Players cannot choose specific weapons of their choice in Apex Legends LTMs. On the contrary, the game begins with fixed load-outs across five playstyle categories.
- Close-Quarters: Usually includes a shotgun paired with an SMG, pistol, or burst weapon.
- Heavy: The heavy loadout includes heavy weapons like LMGs and pairs them with either a shotgun or an SMG.
- Assault: The assault loadout features an AR paired with a strong secondary weapon for close quarters. These include shotguns or the Wingman revolver.
- Specialist: The Specialist loadout includes high-risk high-reward weapons with a playstyle that optimizes both close-range and mid-range engagements. Sometimes, this loadout doesn't include regular weapons that most players are comfortable with like ARs or SMGs.
- Long Range: The long-range loadout is best for players comfortable with snipers. This loadout usually includes a sniper or marksman weapon paired with an SMG.
In-Game Events in Apex Legends Control

Players can make use of events in-game to earn an advantage over their opponents. Control includes in-game events that can either instantly switch the tide of play or seal victory for a team. These events include:
- The Mobile Respawn Beacon event lets a team call in a respawn beacon anywhere on the map. It provides a tactical advantage, enabling respawns near contested zones. It can be used aggressively to distract enemies from highly contested zones.
- The Capture Bonus event can significantly impact the outcome of a match. When this event is announced for a zone, teams gain a substantial boost to their capture points if they control the zone when the timer ends. This rewards aggressive play and can be a game-changer for teams that are trailing. However, if the leading team secures the capture bonus, it often leads to a swift victory for them.
- Care Package events, as the name suggests call in several care packages around the map. These care packages are marked either by a red or gold trail which indicates the kind of loot within the package. Care packages with red trails come loaded with red-tier weapons. These include game-changers like the Kraber. Care packages with gold trails include loot like gold armor (which is advantageous over the default blue armor in Control and makes healing items more effective) and fully kitted weapons with gold attachments.
How to get good at Control in Apex Legends
Unlike other game modes, Control requires players to think more tactfully. You're not necessarily going to get anywhere in Control by farming damage and kills from range. In fact, even being the ratings leader does not guarantee victory. Here are some pointers to get good at control and win more games.
- Always play to the objective. This game mode isn't about mindless fragging or damage farming. Pay attention to your map and contested zones. Always keep an eye out for tactical plays you can make to turn the tide in your team's favor.
- Use the backdoor when struggling with the central zone. Sneak into the zone near the enemy's base to distract them or earn extra points. It forces a predictable decision from the enemy team.
- Choose spawn points wisely. Don't always spawn at the central zone; pay attention to opponents and adapt. Defend your base zone if enemies charge it to disrupt the central zone. Note that you can't spawn at the enemy's base zone, even if you control it.
- Capitalize on in-game events and their timers. Grab Mobile Respawn Beacons for tactical advantage or prepare to defend against opponents who do. If enemies secure the capture bonus, stay aggressive and contest zones to force their decisions. Always stay alert to make strategic plays.
Control is a great game mode for Apex Legends players to practice mindful gameplay and learn how to play for objectives. It's also a lot of fun and can serve as a great way to cool off some steam after intense BR matches. The game mode has undergone some changes since it was first introduced, and is in a very enjoyable state right now.
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