Rashidat Jimoh
Twitter @Rashidatjay
Rashidat Jimoh is a freelance esports writer with over two years of experience covering FIFA, R6 Siege, mobile games and general industry content. She loves to play FIFA and also spends time on Free Fire and Wild Rift
Microsoft signs cloud gaming deal with Ubitus
There’s a new home for Xbox and potentially Activision titles via Ubitus. Here’s the details on the ten-year deal.
Rashidat Jimoh
League of Legends patch 13.6 notes: Yuumi and Aurelion nerfs
Time for the anti-Yuumi to rejoice as champion receives new nerfs
Rashidat Jimoh
Larssen on LEC Spring Split: “We need to improve on a lot of things because we are very bad”
KOI’s Emil “Larssen” Larsson talked to esports.gg in an exclusive interview after losing to the MAD Lions in the third game of LEC Spring Split.
Rashidat Jimoh

Milio, League of Legends new Champion: Release date, lore, abilities and more
A new enchanter support champion joins the mix with origins going back decades in Ixtal.
Rashidat Jimoh

FaZe Clan layoffs include 20 percent of its employees following restructuring
FaZe Clan layoffs showcase a move to restructure amidst a tough year for the industry.
Rashidat Jimoh

Riot to change pricing model for League of Legends champions
Riot will update the pricing system for League of Legends champions to help new and returning players.
Rashidat Jimoh

Fnatic fail to make LEC Playoffs for the first time in history following loss against SK Gaming
Fnatic end their Winter split with just two wins in nine games
Rashidat Jimoh

Heretics Jackspektra speaks on LEC debut, bot lane meta, playing with Jankos and Evi
Debut LEC split for both Heretics and Jackspektra, how well can they adjust to the demands of the league?
Rashidat Jimoh

G2 Esports demolish Heretics in the second-fastest game in LEC history
Yet another day at the office for G2 as they almost break their own record in the LEC
Rashidat Jimoh

LEC 2023 Season finals announced in Montepellier, France
LEC roadshow heading back to France after 6 years since G2 lifted the trophy in Paris
Rashidat Jimoh