Vengeful Spirit is a sleeper support that will gain you MMR in 7.34b
The ultimate anti-carry and one of the best support heroes in patch 7.34b, Vengeful Spirit. Find out why and play her to win lots of MMR.

Devin Soetjipto
Top 3 Dota 2 carry heroes to spam for MMR gains in Patch 7.34
Gain MMR and have a lot of ridiculous fun with our top three picks of the best carry heroes of patch 7.34.

Devin Soetjipto
A new approach to Captains Mode draft order in patch 7.34
Patch 7.34 introduces a new way to draft in Captains Mode. A subtle change to ban order seems to give second pick teams extra advantage.

Devin Soetjipto

Dota 2 Patch 7.34 Overview: Biggest item and hero changes in the new Dota 2 patch
Patch 7.34 is here and it delivered a TON of massive changes and reworks. Check out the summary here!
Sarah "KZ" Zulkiflee