FNS Valorant crosshair and video settings
The brains behind NRG”s VALORANT roster rises to the occasion when it matters. Here’s what we need

FURIA Esports jumps to 7th in all-time Rocket League Esports winnings following Gamers8
The top 30 Rocket League Esports Winnings list has undergone a huge shift after Gamers8’s massive contribution to the overall Rocket League prize winnings.
Dshae Zulkiflee
VCT North America Stage 2 Week One: Biggest Upset, Performances, Disappointments and More
The first week of North American VCT Challengers Stage 2 has concluded with a number of new names and faces taking center stage

Esports.gg Editorial Team

Envy Gaming in talks to acquire OpTic brand from NRG Esports
The Optic brand looks to be shifting hands once more as Envy Gaming are looking to purchase the rights from NRG Esports.

James Bassett