Frosty Fest makes a comeback in Rocket League for the winter season along with new Items, Player Anthems and returning Limited Time Events.
It's that time of the year again when Frosty Fest makes a cozy comeback in Rocket League. This is the fifth annual event since 2017 where Rocket League celebrates everything frosty with new cozy Decals and Items, with a new bundle of Player Anthem and three Limited Time Events.
In the announcement made at The Game Awards 2022, Rocket League revealed a very exciting partnership with Lofi Girl for Frosty Fest 2022. The event will last from Dec. 14 to Jan. 3, 2023. Let's put on our headphones and finally take a look at what Frosty Fest will promise us.
What is Rocket League Frosty Fest?
Frosty Fest is a special event that has made a comeback every December since 2017. The three-week event is in celebration of the winter and Christmas seasons. The challenges and rewards are usually themed after the festive season, turning Rocket League into a beautiful and festive Winter Wonderland.
Frosty Fest 2022 sees a collaboration with the popular music YouTube channel, Lofi Girl which is known for livestreams of lofi hip hop music accompanied by anime-inspired videos of a girl studying or relaxing. The theme brings a more calm and chill tone into the Rocket League arena, a cozier vibe compared to the loudness of winter festivities.
What are Frosty Fest's challenges and rewards?
What are the holiday seasons without challenges and rewards? To get the rewards, you simply have to do the list of given challenges. Here is the complete list of the Frost Fest challenges and the promised rewards:
- Challenge: Get 15 Assists in Online matches
- Reward: Lofi Girl Decal

- Challenge: Get 20 Centers or Assists in Online matches
- Reward: Snowflake Antenna

- Challenge: Get a goal and a win in two Snow Day Extra Modes matches
- Reward: Lofi Girl Cat Topper

- Challenge: Get 5000 total points in Online matches
- Reward: Lofi GIrl Cocoa Topper

- Challenge: Play five Online matches during the event
- Reward: Igloo Topper

- Challenge: Score at least 300 points in five Online matches
- Reward: Lofi Girl Wheel

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- Challenge: Win five online matches
- Reward: Lofi Girl DecaLofi Girl Headphones Avatar Border

- Challenge: Earn 50,000xp in Online matches
- Reward: Frost Flake Decal

- Challenge: Get 10 saves or epic saves
- Reward: Lofi Girl Player Banner

- Challenge: Get 10 first touches in Online matches
- Reward: Lofi Girl Winter Player Banner

New Player Anthems to accompany your winter season
Rocket League has partnered with Lofi Girl to deliver undoubtedly the best winter bundle yet! Each Player Anthem can be bought individually for 300 Credits or in a Bundle for 800 Credits. The soundtrack will also be available on the Rocket League YouTube Channel starting December 14.
Here are the soundtracks of Frosty Fest 2022 feat. Lofi Girl:
- Flying Sled by Kainbeats
- Winter Drive by Kainbeats
- First Snow by Purrple Cat
- Winter Morning by Purrple Cat
- Monday by xander.
Frosty Fest Limited Time Events
We will be having not one, not two but three LTMs for the holiday season! We will soon be seeing the returns of Winter Breakway, Heatseeker Richochet, and Knockout. Here are the details for the LTMs:

Winter Breakaway
- Date: December 14 - 21
- Details: A 3v3 hockey match in the Throwback Stadium (Snowy) Arena.
- Date: December 21 - 28
- Details: A 1v1 match where touching the ball will send it rocketing to your opponent's goal. The first one to finally reach seven goals will win.
- Date: December 28 - January 3
- Details: A match with no ball and no teammate where eight players fight with each other by trying to knock the others out of the arena.
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