The BlizzCon opening ceremonies bring news of a new Overwatch PVP mode, Clash, as well as the Hanaoka map–Hanamura is reborn.

The BlizzCon opening ceremony was a whirlwind of news if you're an Overwatch fan. In addition to the reveal of its 39th Hero, Mauga to the game, we also got a peek at 2024. A dual announcement came from Game Director Aaron Keller that a new Overwatch PVP mode, Clash, coming next year. In addition, we finally got the news that the OG map Hanamura is coming back in a new form. The Overwatch Hanaoka map brings Clash to the masses.

While information is scarce, here's what we know about the resurrection of Hanamura and the new Clash mode.

Overwatch PVP mode 'Clash,' Hanaoka map reveal

Mr, Keller revealed two key things about the new Overwatch PVP mode Clash, including how the mode works. "In this new competitive mode there are five points position in a row. The center point starts as the first objective," he said during the opening ceremony. "The teams battle back and forth over the map, pushing into enemy territory or defending their own."

"Once a team captures all five points--or reaches the maximum score--they win."

In addition, he also revealed that the beloved former Assault map Hanamura is being reimagined for the mode. Now called Hanaoka, the Overwatch map looks to bring back the iconic Japanese style from one of the game's most important locations.

This wasn't all teased for 2024, which also includes new Heroes, new collaborations, and more. We'll have more news on what's to come across BlizzCon weekend.

Stay tuned to for esports news and Overwatch information.