“We resolved issues with gameplay crashes in Dorado. We’re still investigating why a certain spacecraft crashed into the map.”

The Dorado map has been re-enabled in Overwatch 2. Previously, this Escort map was disabled due to issues that crashed the game.

Overwatch 2 Dorado map screenshot (Image via esports.gg)
Overwatch 2 Dorado map screenshot (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 re-enables Dorado

On July 10, Overwatch disabled Dorado due issues that caused players to crash while duking it out on that map. Dorado then got re-enabled on July 12. "We resolved issues with gameplay crashes in Dorado, " Blizzard stated.

The Overwatch 2 also recently resolved issues with Orisa’s Energy Javelin dealing unintended critical damage from headshots, Ramattra’s cooldowns all being set at 11 seconds, and Sombra being visible to the entire opposing team when detected by one opponent.

Dorado returns to Overwatch 2 (Image via esports.gg)
Dorado returns to Overwatch 2 (Image via esports.gg)

Overwatch 2 Dorado crash not caused by Space Ranger

According to Blizzard, the cause of the crash wasn't necessarily due to the arrival of a spacecraft there. For context, Overwatch 2 has been teasing the arrival of a new hero with the code name "Space Ranger" for a while now.

Meteor screenshot hinting at Space Ranger's arrival (Image via esports.gg)
Meteor screenshot hinting at Space Ranger's arrival (Image via esports.gg)

Space Ranger was first announced at BlizzCon 2023. Later, a meteor was spotted in different Overwatch 2 maps. As for the latest teaser, the spaceship that crashed in Dorado features a message in Morse code plus a photograph involving Mei.

Space Ranger spaceship crashed in the Dorado spawn room (Image via esports.gg)
Space Ranger spaceship crashed in the Dorado spawn room (Image via esports.gg)

According to Blizzard, Space Ranger will arrive in Overwatch 2 Season 12. So far, we know the following about her:

  • She may have a connection to Mei
  • Space Ranger is from the Mars colony
  • She is a support hero who is highly mobile
  • Space Ranger also has vertical mobility
  • She has thrusters on her suits and boots

That's all for now. Are you ready for the arrival of another hero? Stick around on esports.gg for more news and updates!