The LCS Championship has already been extremely entertaining and it is expected to continue in the lower bracket. The biggest team in the lower bracket thus far is MSS champions Cloud9. Will they be moving on or will they fall out of playoffs for the second summer split in a row?

After a long and eventful regular season, the LCS Championship is finally here. Fans have already been treated to two entertaining best-of-fives. Evil Geniuses will face 100 Thieves in round two while Team Liquid took down Cloud9.

Teams in the lower bracket

  • Immortals
  • Dignitas QNTMPAY
  • Golden Guardians
  • Cloud9

Immortals vs Dignitas

This is set to be an interesting series that will heavily revolve around the two junglers. Both Xerxe and Akaadian had solid regular seasons and should bring out the best in each other. This is the first time fans will get to see what Immortals is about in a best-of-five format. The team worked best around Xerxe and when he was in form, IMT was a fun team to watch.

This is the last opportunity for Dignitas at the LCS championship, one more loss, and their 2021 season is over. Unfortunately for DIG, they were up against arguably the strongest team in the league right now in EG. What made that series fun to watch is that Dignitas did not back down from the challenge of facing a strong team. Dignitas still made aggressive plays, whether they should have or not is another question.

Marn's prediction:

"My money is on Immortals to win this one. Xerxe was in my opinion one of the better junglers this season and did a lot with little resources. This is not his first rodeo and will help this Immortals lineup over the finish line in this one. I do expect to at least go to four games, maybe Silver Scrapes is played. That being said Immortals should close this one out cleanly."

Cloud9 vs Golden Guardians

Cloud9 was stunned pretty hard last week when they fell to Team Liquid. No one was expected TL to perform at such a high level and in that particular best-of-five, they did not have the answers until it was too late. Cloud9's obsession with Viego was their downfall with TL punishing them pretty hard for this pick.

Cloud9 works best when they have champions that can bully the opposition. It has been proven time and time again if you can draft winning matchups against C9, you are likely going to have a fun game. It is bizarre how a team so stacked in both players and the coaching staff can repeat these mistakes time and time again.

While C9 is the heavy favorites against Golden Guardians, TL has left a picture-perfect blueprint on how to attack them. Licorice has been looking like his old self recently and can match the level Fudge has been putting out all split long. As for Ablazeolive, the GGS mid laner has surprisingly been better than Perkz this split, meaning this series is not as one-sided as it looks on paper.

Marn's predictions

"While Golden Guardians have the capabilities to upset Cloud9, I don't think they will. Even with Team Liquid playing at an insanely high level, there were moments in that series that showed how good C9 can be. Vulcan was excellent at matching the roams of CoreJJ, a level of play I do not expect out of Chime. Blaber had a hit or miss series against TL, though can be excused for having to pick up the pieces with multiple losing lanes. I think Cloud9 is going to win this 3-1."

The LCS Championship returns this Thursday when Immortals takes on Dignitas. Followed by Cloud9 vs Golden Guardians on Friday.

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