Hearthstone’s Rewards Track refreshes with the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion. Check out all the loot available!

Check out the new Rewards Track for Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Murder at Castle Nathria and Infuse your collection.

With Hearthstone’s next expansion just days away, we are already getting content updates, one of them being the renewed Rewards Track. The progression system will reset when the Murder at Castle Nathria expansion launches on August 2nd. However, many Hearthstone Rewards Track features will change today.

Murder at Castle Nathria Hearthstone Rewards Track

The new Hearthstone Rewards Track will replace the current Voyage to the Sunken City one. With that, Hearthstone will grant players any unclaimed rewards on the free Rewards Track and the Tavern Pass (purchased separately).

Rewards Track
Rewards Track

While the switch will happen on August 2nd when Murder at Castle Nathria expansion launches, Voyage to the Sunken City achievements will no longer grant experience as from the 24.0 patch.

The new Rewards Track will allow players to Infuse their collection with packs, cards, Mercenaries goods, skins and Tavern Tickets, on top of all the gold. Upon completion of the free Rewards Track, players will accumulate the following loot:

  • Two Random Legendary Cards
  • One Random Epic card
  • Sire Denathrius Legendary and Sir Finley Mercenary
  • 14 Collectible Golden Cards
  • 8 Standard Packs
  • 3 Murder at Castle Nathria
  • 3 Tavern Passes
  • The Revendreth Card Back
  • One Hero Skin
  • Tons of Gold
Infuse your collection with cards, packs and more
Infuse your collection with cards, packs and more


You can open your Pre-orders the weekend before the expansion launches by creating a private Fireside Gathering. If you open a copy of Murloc Holmes (golden or regular) or a copy of Sire Denatrhuis (regular), you have until August 5, at 10 a.m. PT to disenchant them and get a full dust refund. Hearthstone gives full refunds since these cards are included in the Rewards Track and can be obtained for free, so if you open one, you can turn it into any legendary you want.

Hearthstone Tavern Pass

The paid Murder at Castle Nathria Tavern Pass comes with many Hearthstone cosmetics and an experience boost for your Rewards Track. These are the goods included in the Tavern Pass for this expansion:

  • Diamond Murloc Holmes Legendary
  • Golden Prince Renathal Legendary
  • Two Golden Insatiable Devourer Epics
  • Prince Renathal Hero Skin and Card Back
  • Nine Hero Skins
  • A new Battlegrounds Bartender
  • Five Murder-Mystery Battlegrounds Skins
  • Sir Finley mercenaries Portraits
  • A new Cosmetic Coin
  • Experience Boosts
Tavern Pass cosmetics
Tavern Pass cosmetics

It is important for you to know that the Tavern Pass value resides in cosmetics. The experience boost will help you advance faster in the Hearthstone Rewards Track, but it is not necessary for completing it.

Diamond Cards and Coins for Murder at Castle Nathria expansion

As usual, the Hearthstone Team is releasing two special Diamond versions for iconic expansion cards. This time Murloc Holmes and Decimator Olgra are the featured characters.

Murloc Holmes<br>Instantly obtained by purchasing the Tavern Pass and claiming the card on the Rewards Track.
Murloc Holmes
Instantly obtained by purchasing the Tavern Pass and claiming the card on the Rewards Track.
Decimator Olgra<br>Obtained by completing the<em> Castle Nathria</em> Legendary Collector Achievement <br>(owning 25 <em>Castle Nathria</em> Legendary cards).
Decimator Olgra
Obtained by completing the Castle Nathria Legendary Collector Achievement
(owning 25 Castle Nathria Legendary cards).

Furthermore, there will be two special collectible coins. As usual, one will be obtained thru the Hearthstone Rewards Track, while the other one is granted after obtaining 135 Murder at Castle Nathria cards. While this means a complete collection now, once the Mini-set releases 35 extra cards, this achievement will be much easier to accomplish.

Venthyr Coin
Venthyr Coin
Castle Nathria Coin
Castle Nathria Coin

That is all for now. If you want to check where on the Rewards Track each item is, feel free to check out Hearthstone’s official blog post. Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time at Castle Natrhia.