Charge into the Year of the Pegasus with Leeroy Jenkins, the good ol’ Fiery War Axe, and new Warcraft Rumble cards!
Hearthstone has announced the Year of the Pegasus! The new theme is set to arrive with a free and updated Core Set. This year, in particular, the Core Set is celebrating Hearthstone's history and future with iconic cards from the past alongside new ones. Read on for everything to know about the Hearthstone Year of the Pegasus Core Set cards, new Elusive keyword, and more!
Hearthstone Year of the Pegasus Core Set cards
Remember Leeroy Jenkins, Fiery "Win" Axe, Wrath of Air Totem, and the dependable Justicar Trueheart? Well, these iconic favorites are returning to the Hearthstone Year of the Pegasus Core Set!

That's not all — some new cards inspired by the Warcraft Rumble mobile game are entering Hearthstone's Core Set as well. These include Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot, Warsong Grunt, Night Elf Huntress, and Footman.

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Hearthstone Core Set 2024 updates
In terms of other Hearthstone Core Set updates, Blizzard is uprooting the Druid's ramping mechanic, reducing the requirements needed for some Death Knight cards, and upgrading some old favorites. The graphic below lists the Year of the Pegasus Core Set adjustments.

Additionally, the table below is the text version of the adjustments. You can also see all of the cards entering and leaving the Core Set here.
Class Card Name Change | Death Knight Noxious Cadaver No rune | Plagued Grain UU rune | Blood Tap B rune | Frost Strike F rune | Harbringer of Winter F rune, +1 attack | Hematurge B rune | Necrotic Mortician U rune | Acolyte of Death No rune, 2 attack | Asphyxiate No rune | Nerubian Swarmguard No rune | Army of the Dead U rune | Deathbringer Saurfang 6 health | Frostmourne 6 mana, 4 attack | Gnome Muncher No rune | Marrow Manipulator FF rune | Soulstealer BB rune | Demon Hunter Battlefiend 3 Health | Metamorphosis Deals 5 damage | Druid Oaken Summon Removing the word "Recruit" and no functional change | Hunter N/A N/A | Mage Kalecgos 8 mana | Paladin N/A N/A | Priest N/A N/A | Rogue N/A N/A | Shaman Flametongue Totem 3 health | Warlock Dark Alley Pact Summoned Fiend has Taunt | Twisting Nether Also destroys locations | Warrior N/A N/A | Neutral Faerie Dragon Wording updated to have the Elusive keyword | Big Game Hunter Added the Tradeable keyword | Justicar Truehart 5 mana, 6/4 | Mind Control Tech 5 mana, gets to choose target | Evasive Wyrm Wording updated to have the Elusive keyword | Siamat 7/7 | Sleepy Dragon 6 attack | Ysera Gives 2 Dream cards per turn |
Hearthstone gets new Elusive keyword
You may have also noticed the addition of the new Elusive keyword in the table. Minions with the Elusive keyword cannot be targeted by hero powers or spells. According to Blizzard, Evasive Wyrm and several existing minions are getting this keyword.

That's all for now. Stick around on for more news and updates!