Everyone is talking about who is the best Hearthstone Titan, but in this Tier List, we are not gonna talk about stats, but hotness.

Hearthstone has revealed every Titan from the upcoming expansion, and Tier Lists are everywhere. With a complex card such as these Legendaries, it is not easy to rate them, given their diverse stats, abilities and effects.

That's why today we are not talking about anything of that. Today we will go over the Titans Hotness Tier List, elaborated by nonother than Hearthstone Senior Game Designer Cora.

Hearthstone Titans Hotness Tier List

Cora is a source of amazing insights when it comes to card design, expansion lore and other Hearthstone processes. A couple of weeks ago, she posted a Murder at Castle Nathria" recap that went over the most relevant aspects of the expansion, disclosing design talks and early calls like that Theotar was initially 3 Mana.

This week she surprised us with a Hearthstone Titans Tier List, ranking the new Legendary minions by their hotness. Starting from the least hot and going up to the "smoking hot", here goes the Hearthstone Titans Hotness Tier List by Cora.

Cora's Ranking

On the bottom of the list, we have V-07-TR-0N Prime. It's understandable that is hard for a robot to be hot, but Cora made it crystal clear that she expects everyone to agree with her.

V-07-TR-0N Prime, Rogue Titan - Image via Blizzard
V-07-TR-0N Prime, Rogue Titan - Image via Blizzard

"If you think V-07-TR-0N Prime is hot, I find that to be very questionable."

Cora about V-07-TR-0N

Cora put "The Primus" in #10 in this Hearthstone Titans Hot Tier List. The Death Knight Titan seems to be too close to the Frost Runes, maybe if he tried to be somewhat more Unholy he would climb a bit.

Following in #9 comes Sargeras, the Destroyer. The crowd favorite in the Heartstone Titans contest ranks low in this Hottnes Tier List by Cora. Rating them was hard, but trying to destroy all life in the universe seems to be a red flag for Cora.

The Primus - Image via Blizzard
The Primus - Image via Blizzard
Sargeras, the Destroyer - Image via Blizzard
Sargeras, the Destroyer - Image via Blizzard

Arman'Thul, the Priest Titan, might be able to say "The Light shall burn you", but that doesn't make it hot, according to Cora. Again, it seems that the hard removal abilities are a turn-off.

"He could poof me out of existence if he wanted, and that's concerning."

Removal as a red flag for Cora

Things were not hot enough, so Cora decided to release a hot take with the #7 spot on this Hearthstone Titans Tier List.

"On first look, Aggramar is very hot. But where does his hair end and his beard begin? And why is Taeshalach so big?"

Facial hair seems to be highly valued in this Hearthstone Titans Hotness Tier List. Norgannon takes the #6 spot with his groomed bear and self-improvement traits.

Norgannon, Mage Titan - Image via Blizzard
Norgannon, Mage Titan - Image via Blizzard

Hearthstone Tians Hotness Tier List: Top 5

We are entering the top 5, and you might have your own opinion, and I encourage you to share it, but don't forget that this is Cora's ranking, and she clearly said she made her own rules.

In the fifth spot of this Hearthstone Titans Hotness Tier List, we have Khaz'goroth Warrior Legendary. His craftsman abilities and being a guy capable of defending his loved ones helped him climb all the way up here.

Going up the ladder, we find Argus, the Emerald Star the Demon Hunter Titan. It seems like being the man in the iron mask adds some spice and hotness. Who knows, maybe he is Leo Dicaprio.

Entering the podium of this Hearthstone Titans Hotness Tier List we have Amitus, the Peacekeeper. Despite being classified as "very hot", Amitus won't go further than #3 for fleeing when things got tough.

Golganneth, the Thunderer is the runner-up, it seems that being a good talker goes a long way and is as hot as his flowing hair.

Only one Hearthstone Titan is left in this Hotness Tier List, you guessed it, Eonar, the Life-Binder. She is the most expensive Titan and that has a reason.

"I think we can all agree that Eonar is the hottest. She's 10 mana, but she's worth it. Y'all will be ramping as fast as you can to see this baddie on board, and I won't judge you for it at all. Thirst responsibly."

Hottest Titan according to Cora
Eonar, the Life-Binder, hottest Hearthstone Titan - Image via Blizzard
Eonar, the Life-Binder, hottest Hearthstone Titan - Image via Blizzard

Do you agree with Cora's Tier List? If not, you can always make your own ranking with this Tier List maker and share it on Social Media. Furthermore, if you enjoyed ranking Titan's hotness, I'd recommend you to check out Blizzlet Podcast, where they go way deep into that topic. You might think about avoiding listening on speakers if you are not alone, though.

That's all for now, but stay tuned for more Hearthstone news and guides. Be sure to visit esports.gg for all the latest esports news. See you next time in Tavern.