Hearthstone patch 22.2.2 features updates to Battlegrounds, Duels and more

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

The latest patch includes the removal of Archdruid Hamuul from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Hearthstone patch 22.2.2 launches today and it features updates for Battlegrounds and Duels alongside some balance changes. 

Archdruid Hamuul was removed from the Battlegrounds minion pool. According to Dominic Calkosz, a Game Designer on Hearthstone Battlegrounds, Hamuul's removal is because of his power level across the in-game board. Hamuul rewards players who are already ahead of the game.

"He can also Refresh for a shop full of Amalgadons in certain cases, but that’s not the primary reason," Calkosz added over on Twitter.

Aside from this removal, the Battlegrounds game mode received a bunch of Hearthstone Buddy changes. 

Eclipsion Illidari. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Eclipsion Illidari. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Master Gadrin. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Master Gadrin. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Some of them include characters like Eclipsion Illidari, who is Illidan Stormrage’s Buddy, and Master Gadrin, who works with Vol’jin’s Buddy. Buddies that work alongside characters like Deathwing, Mr. Bigglesworth and even the Lich King also received updates in Hearthstone patch 22.2.2. 

Lil’ K.T. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Lil’ K.T. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Arfus. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Arfus. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

The full list of Buddies and their changes is available on Blizzard’s official website

Hearthstone Duels updates

As for the Hearthstone Duels game mode, a few cards were removed from Treasure Pool 2. Battle Totem, Disks of Legend and Totem of the Dead are now in the Treasure Pool 2 Ultra Rare category. 

Vanndar Stormpike artwork. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Vanndar Stormpike artwork. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Meanwhile, our Alliance friend, Vanndar Stormpike, received an update to his Hero Power. His old one reduced the cost of Neutral minions in a player’s hand. As for his new one, it reduces the cost of two Neutral minions only in a player’s hand.

Old: Reduce the cost of Neutral minions in your hand that cost (4) or more by (2).
New: Reduce the cost of two Neutral minions in your hand that cost (4) or more by (2).

Battle Tactics: Vanndar Stormpike’s Hero Power

More updates and bug fixes

Players who spend time in Hearthstone Mercenaries may also notice the lowered difficulty of a few bounties. These include High Justice Grimstone, Snowclaw, Captain Galvangar, Lokholar the Ice Lord and Drek’Thar heroic bounties. As for the Louis Philips one, it’s now easier to defeat in both normal and heroic mode. 

Drek’Thar artwork. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.
Drek’Thar artwork. Image via Blizzard Entertainment.

Meanwhile, the maximum number of times that Bladestorm can be activated increased from 30 to 50. 

As for bugs, Golden Kil’rek no longer grants two copies of the same demon when its Deathrattle is activated. Moreover, the Deathrattle for Spirit of Air no longer applies to enemy minions.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest Hearthstone news and updates.