Hearthstone 22.4 Patch brings Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set and new content for every game mode. Check what’s new in this article.
The 22.4 Hearthstone Patch is here, and with it comes Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set. Moreover, the 22.4 Hearthstone Patch also brings updates to Battlegrounds, Mercenaries, Duels, Arena, and more surprises. As always, the full coverage in this EsportsGG article.

Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set
The much-awaited Fractured in Alterac Valley’s Mini-Set is finally here. Onyxia’s Lair is coming with the 22.4 Hearthstone Patch with 35 unique new cards. The Mercenaries have one last stand after the Battle for the Valley, they will be facing Lady Prestor her army of Dragons to recover the fallen Naaru.
Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set will add 35 new unique cards to spice up Hearthstone’s Metagame. Including many Dragons (though none for the Paladin class) and powerful legendaries, the mini-set promises to create new archetypes.
Onyxia will have its own legendary card, a 10 mana Rush Dragon that fills the board with whelps and that it's immune while whelps are on the board. Isn't that cute, the little babies protecting their mom? Furthermore, Kazakusan promises to be the star of the expansion bringing powerful Duels treasures into constructed Heartshtone.
Onyxia’s Lair Mini Set includes:
- 4 Legendary Cards (x1)
- 1 Epic Card (x2)
- 14 Rare Cards (x2)
- 16 Common Cards (x2)

With the Hearthstone Patch 22.4, players will be able to purchase Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set for $14.99 or 2,000 gold (in-game currency). This time, Hearthstone whales will be able to get a full golden version of the Mini-Set for $69.99. Check the official post to see every new card.
Hearthstone Patch 22.4 updates
On top of Onyxia’s Lair Mini-Set, the 22.4 Hearthstone Patch brings other important updates. Every game mode is getting new content. Let’s go over what’s new in Hearthstone with the 22.4 Patch.
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New Mercenaries and Bounties
Five new Mercenaries will come to the Village with 22.4 Hearthstone Patch. Long’xin, Xuen, Niuzao, Yu-lon, and Chi-Ji will be a part of the new content for Hearthstone’s latest game mode. Mullahoo has already prepared us a guide to crack all the secrets of these new characters.
Moreover, Mercenaries players will have six new Bounties to chase in Alterac Valley Zone:
- Rotimer
- Ichman
- Balinda Stonehearth
- Ivus
- Vanndar Stormpike
- Kazakus

The Vanndar Stormpike and Kazakus Bounties will be added to the game after the conclusion of the Chi-Ji event. All other Bounties will be added on February 15, with the launch of the patch.
Hearthstone Arena Rotation with Patch 22.4
Arena players will be able to enjoy a set rotation with the Hearthstone 22.4 patch. If you read our Arena Guide, you probably got that free Arena ticket to enjoy this new Arena season on the house. The sets that will be part of the Arena with the new patch will be:
Book of Mercenaries - Bru’kan and Diamond Vanndar
Following with Mercenaries stories, new PvE content is coming with the 22.4 Hearthstone Patch. Bru’kan of the Darkspear clan needs to train the Horde Mercenaries, but there isn’t much time. With Tamsin Roame as his enemy, Bru’kan depends on the elements of the Valley and Lokholar the Ice Lord to take this one.

The Book of Mercenaries Bru’kan is now live. Defeating the 8 bosses in this PvE adventure will award 1 Shaman standard pack. On the Alliance side of things, every player will receive a Diamond Vanndar card commemorating the Batlle for Alterac Valley won by the Alliance. Remember that the Honor event is still going, complete your Honor questline for golden collectible copies of Alterac Valley’s cards.
If you are wondering which are the Battlegrounds news with the 22.4 Hearthstone Patch, we have prepared a special article about that. Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in the tavern.