Get free Festival of Legends Hearthstone packs ahead of the expansion!

Manuel "Rane" Delgado

Manuel "Rane" Delgado


6 min read

The Festival of Legends expansion isn’t live yet, however, you can prepare for it by farming up to 21 free Hearthstone packs. Here is how.

Hearthstone's upcoming expansion, Festival of Legends, is less than two weeks away, but you can already get some free packs. Regardless if you are a whale or a free-to-play player, the free stuff is always good. Let's go over how you can get up to 26 free Hearthstone packs ahead of the Festival of Legends expansion launch.

Free Festival of Legends Hearthstone Packs via Twitch Drops

The first source of free packs is always Twitch Drops during special events. There are 3 free Hearthstone packs to claim before the expansion during the Theorycrafting event and the Festival of Legends Live(ish) event.

  • Theorycrafting event:
    • Get up to 2 Festival of Legends free packs by watching any Hearthstone stream
    • April 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (PT) and April 6 from 2:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. (PT)
  • Festival of Legends Live:
    • Get 1 Festival of legends free pack for watching the official Hearthstone Twitch channel
    • April 6 and April 7, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. (PT) each day.
Theorycrafting event promo - Image via Blizzard
Theorycrafting event promo - Image via Blizzard
Festival of Legends event promo - Image via Blizzard
Festival of Legends event promo - Image via Blizzard

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On top of these free Twitch Drops packs, during the events, Hearthstone and content creators will giveaway hundred of Festival of Legends Pre-Purches bundles. So save the date.

Connect your Twitch and account for Drops

To get free Festival of Legends packs, your Twitch and accounts must be connected. For that, you need to go to your account and scroll down to connect it to Twitch. After doing that, refresh any Hearthstone stream with active drops and start progressing toward your free packs.

You can check your Twitch Inventory to see your progress toward the free packs. Make sure that you claim your free Hearthstone packs after completing the viewing time. Bear in mind that the Festival of Legends packs can't be open until April 11 when the expansion releases.

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Free packs in Duels and Arena

Arena and Duels will see their rotations soon. When that happens, Hearthstone will retire current runs, granting the rewards for the wins achieved and a free ticket as compensation.

Duels rotation should come this week with the 26.0 patch, so if you want to get a free Festival of Legends free pack, hurry up. For that, you need to start a Heroic Duels run and leave it unfinished with 2 losses. For Arena, the procedure is the same, but you have time until the expansion launches on April 11 to do the trick.

Get free packs in Duels and Arena - Image via
Get free packs in Duels and Arena - Image via

This way, by spending 150 gold, you will get your Arena or Duels rewards, including a Festival of Legends pack at least, and a free Tavern Ticket worth 150 gold. Essentially, you got 2 Hearthstone packs for free, minimum.

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Other sources for free Hearthstone packs

If you are new to the game or haven't fully completed the solo adventures, you might find some loot in there too! Book of Mercenaries and Book of Heroes Hearthstone PvE content grant 1 free class pack for each character you complete.

This means that if you haven't played any of this content already, you can earn up to 21 free Hearthstone packs. One thing that you need to be aware of is that those are Standard Class packs, so you will be able to open them right away, but if you want to get Festival of Legends cards out of them, you will need to wait and open them after the expansion launch.

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You can find this content inside the Hearthstone Mode section, under Solo Adventures, and by selecting the Book of Mercenaries or Book of Heroes content on the right menu.

Finally, remember that you can open your Pre-Purchased bundles ahead of the expansion launch via Fireside Gatherings during Pre-Release weekend. We have written a guide on how to create one and what else can you do in them. Just remember that you won't be able to open the Festival of Legends packs you got for free there, you'll need to wait until the next Hearthstone expansion goes live for that.

Feel free to explore our Hearthstone news and guides section for more related info. Before heading to the show, be sure to visit for all the latest esports news. See you next time at the Festival of Legends.