Solary welcomed the TITANS Hearthstone expansion with a LAN party including a $5,000 tournament and amazing players!

Celebrating TITANS, Solary launched a Hearthstone party in Paris, France this past weekend. The event featured a $5,000 and a series of mini-games with streams in English and French. Let's go over how Dizdemon got to the top and which decks he used!

Solary Hearthstone Party Tournament

While we wait on news about the upcoming Hearthstone Masters Tour and players complain about the lack of communication, Solary pulled an amazing event this past weekend. The party didn't only feature some of the best European players, but also some amazing highlights.

On the tournament side, the $5,000 event was staked. The participants were all seasoned competitive players, divided into 4 Doble Elimination groups.

A: ForDaKing, Vinz, PocketTrain and Jambre
B: Tars, Dizdemon, Sialed and Effymia
C: Odemian, Otsuna, Fenomeno and Superman (aka Gaby)
D: Valou, Gaboumme, Roulian and BabyBear

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Only the top 2 of every group made it into the final bracket. Dizdemon had to face one of the currently best players in the field, PocketTrain, in his first Solary Hearthstone Party top 8 match. After a close 3-2 series, he made it to the semifinals where Feno was waiting.

The Greek legend fell against Dizdemon as well and now only Jambre separated him from the crown. The renowned English deck builder was the only player to bring Outcast Demon Hunter to the Solary Hearthstone Party. On the other hand, Dizdemon seemed to put his faith in "the good decks".

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You can check the lineups in the following D0nkey link and copy the deck codes to try the decks yourself.

The Solary Hearthstone Finals weren't any different than the rest of Dizdemon's path. He stomped anyone who stood in his way. After a quick 3-1 match, Dizdemon kept the Solary Hearthstone Party trophy for the home team. But that was not the only competition Dizdemon won.

Solary LAN Party recap

The Solary Hearthstone Tournament was only a part of the Party. The gist of the event is getting some of the best players and entertainers together and seeing what happens after that. Feno portrayed that perfectly in his promo tweet.

With the community having nostalgia about the OG Seatstory Cup events and seeing how the Hearthstone competitive scene struggles, the Solary Party was an oasis in the desert. In-person events develop way beyond the actual Hearthstone matches, and Solary embraced it nurturing other fun competitions.

There's something about Solary events and throwing people in the pool that I can't quite explain. At the same time, I can't neglect that its amazing to see Hearthstone players outside their comfort zone.

That's all for now, but if you are into the competitive scene, stay tuned to for info on the upcoming Hearthstone Masters Tour event happening this weekend. See you next time in the Tavern.