It’s vacation time.
Hearthstone's Perils in Paradise expansion is now live! Read on for everything to know about this expansion!
Hearthstone Perils in Paradise release date
The Perils in Paradise expansion went live on July 23, 2024. It arrived with 145 new cards, the Tourist mechanic, Locations, Drinks, plus a new Tavern Pass.

How the Tourist keyword works in Hearthstone
The new keyword, Tourist, lets players use cards from another class. For example, the Mage class' legendary Tourist card is Raylla, Sand Sculptor. This minion lets Mage players visit the Paladin class. Meanwhile, the Demon Hunter class can venture into some Priest shenanigans thanks to Aranna, Thrill Seeker.

"While deckbuilding, put your class’s Tourist into your deck, and you can add the Perils in Paradise cards from their destination class into your deck, too," Blizzard explained. But only one Tourist per deck — no vacation hopping."

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Locations in Perils in Paradise
Meanwhile, players can now check out new cards that involve Locations. Some of these include Sanc'Azel, Cruise Captain Lora, Scrapbooking Student, XB-931 Housekeeper, Seaside Giant, Travel Agent, Parrot Sanctuary, and Knickknack Shack.

Drinks in Hearthstone's Perils in Paradise expansion
Don't forget about the Drinks in Perils in Paradise! There are six different Drink spells in this expansion, which all involve a couple of refills. Examples of cards with this mechanic include Divine Brew, Health Drink, and Drink Server. Drink Server, in particular, is a minion that grants you a random Drink spell upon its Deathrattle.

Hearthstone Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass
Of course, there's the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass to check out as well. This Tavern Pass features on-theme cosmetics and cards alongside XP boosts, gold, and card packs. All of the items in this rewards track can be found here.

That's all for now. Are you ready for Perils in Paradise? Stick around on for more news and updates!