The Finals is getting its very first limited-time game mode, where players will depend on only themselves in Solo Bank It.

The Finals puts players in teams of three, whether you queue up in a party or alone. You're matched with randoms if you're of the latter. Solo players can rejoice now, however, as Solo Bank It comes to The Finals as the shooter's very first limited-time game mode.

Update 1.5.0 brings Solo Bank It to the Finals along with a slew of other changes. The large patch delivers quality of life improvements, new outfits, and so much more. Those who jump into the arena alone are definitely excited about the solo mode the most.

When does Solo Bank It release in The Finals?

As previously mentioned, the Solo Bank It limited-time mode comes to The Finals with update 1.5.0. It went live on January 17, 2024.

Update 1.5.0 is here (Image via Embark Studios)
Update 1.5.0 is here (Image via Embark Studios)

Whether you're on PlayStation, Xbox Series X/S, or PC via Steam, we all got the update universally. The game will update itself or tell you it needs to be updated before it opens, depending on your settings.

What is Solo Bank It?

The rules of Solo Bank It (Screenshot via
The rules of Solo Bank It (Screenshot via

The original Bank It mode in The Finals has four teams of three. The goal is to pick up coins from cash vaults or downed opponents and deposit them. The first team to reach 40,000 or whoever has the most money when time expires is the winner.

Solo Bank It works in the exact same way, but you have no one to depend on besides yourself in the arena. The lobby size remains unchanged, as it will be 12 individual players instead of 12 players spread across four teams.

This will create an environment with a much faster pace, as you won't have anyone around to watch your back. Some top tier weapons and builds might not work as a solo player as they would in the team-based modes.

Stay tuned to for more esports news and The Finals coverage.