Pocketpair has provided a Palworld Early Access roadmap, to let players know exactly what it is they can look forward to.

Pocketpair has seen a success it perhaps never dreamt of with Palworld. Despite any negativity from portions of the community, the game is going strong with millions of copies sold in just days. That has prompted Palworld to ensure communication with its player base by delivering a roadmap for its Early Access phase.

A look at the Palworld roadmap and what to expect in 2024

The Palworld roadmap (Image via Pocketpair)
The Palworld roadmap (Image via Pocketpair)

There are three main focuses of the Palworld Early Access roadmap, but how much of this we see in 2024 is unknown. The game released at the start of the year, so the entire calendar is available for these implementations to take place.

Let's see what they have for us.

Addressing critical issues

The Day of the world has been known to revert to 0 (Screenshot via esports.gg)
The Day of the world has been known to revert to 0 (Screenshot via esports.gg)

It's no secret that Palworld does not have a massive budget. It can be very buggy at times, though that does not detract from the fun many players are having. Still, Pocketpair wants to remove the bugs as quickly as they can.

From missing features on Game Pass that might appear on Steam to a black screen preventing any attempt at playing whatsoever, there's plenty to be fixed in terms of bugs and glitches. They give examples of the world date experience rollbacks and the loading screen never ending as being priority.

Improvements to implement ASAP

The improvement of Pal AI pathing is on the list (Screenshot via esports.gg)
The improvement of Pal AI pathing is on the list (Screenshot via esports.gg)

In this section of the Palworld Early Access roadmap, there are only two items listed. Those are key configuration improvements and improvements to base Pal AI and pathing. They under the label of improvements that are coming as soon as possible.

Expect these to be the first thing on their journey to a fully realized launch, rather than Early Access. Simply making the game run smoother would increase its already heightened enjoyability tenfold. That's why these are marked as ASAP.

Planned future updates of the Palworld roadmap

Raid bosses outside of tower bosses are on the roadmap (Screenshot via esports.gg)
Raid bosses outside of tower bosses are on the roadmap (Screenshot via esports.gg)

The last thing on the Palworld roadmap, which we will probably see most of in 2024, are important updates. Here's the list of them from Pocketpair directly:

  • PvP
  • End-game content such as raid bosses
  • PvP arena for Pals
  • Steam and Xbox Crossplay functionality
  • Improvements to various Xbox features
  • Server transfers and migrations
  • Overall improvements to the game's building system
  • New islands to explore, Pals to catch, bosses to battle, and technologies to discover

All this definitely provides an ease of mind with the game. The Palworld roadmap shows they're taking it seriously and that everyone who is pouring countless hours already into the title will have countless hours of more content to dive into.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news.