New Masks, Weapon Skins and Armor Skins added to the game in the New World’s First Store Update. Check them out below!
New World has dropped its Halloween-themed update just in time for the spooky season. The latest update marks the first change to the New World Store since launch. New armor and weapon skins, housing decor items, new emotes and new dye packs are part of the Halloween store update.
Amazon's New World has had a successful launch and the game has already reached new peak concurrent player records. However, between dealing with AFK players and Farming bots.
Jack-o-Lantern Housing Decoration
Players can claim the new happy jack-o-lantern housing decoration for free from the 'Housing Items' section of the store.

The Jack's Happy Lantern is available in-game for free till November 15.
Masks - Headwear Skins
Weapon Skins
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Armor Skins
Haunted House Decor Bundle
Players can also buy the Haunted House Decor bundle for 25,000 Marks of Fortune.
This bundle includes the following housing items:
- Stolen Gravestone
- Potion-Maker’s Kit
- Enchanted Broom
- Vermiculated Curtains
- Bubbling Cauldron
- The Conjuring Crystal
- Scapegrace Jack’s Fatuous Lantern
- Jack’s Frightful Lantern
- Scapegrace Jack’s Lascivious Lantern
- Haunted Candelabra
When did the New World Halloween Skins Release?
New World Halloween Skins released on October 21 and are available in the in-game store.
Players can also pick up the new waiting emote for free as they wait for the full roll-out of server transfers in the game.
So grab your favorite cosmetics and roam around Aeternum in style.
Stay tuned to for the latest New World news and updates.