How to Level up the Dota 2 TI10 Compendium?



The Dota 2 Compendium is here and it’s free. Players can earn points by completing the various challenges this year. Here are the different ways to level up your TI10 Compendium.

Valve released the Dota 2 compendium for TI10 yesterday. The TI10 Compendium introduces Compendium Point Rewards, Talent autographs and more. It's just enough to get the TI season hype going. 

The International 10 will take place in Bucharest, Romania starting on October 7. It features twenty-four of the best Dota 2 teams in the world competing for a massive $40 million prize pool. The Dota 2 community crowdfunds the TI prize pool every year through the TI Compendium. The TI10 prize pool stands at over $40 million after the community’s crowdfunding efforts last year. 

But we can’t have a TI without the hype, without a compendium and the excitement that comes with it. Valve has released the TI10 compendium and with it comes talent autographs, Compendium points rewards, bracket predictions and last but not the least, talent voice lines.

What is the Dota 2 TI10 Compendium?

Dota 2’s International is the highest prize pool event in esports. It has been so for quite some time. Valve introduced crowdfunding as a way for the Dota 2 community to contribute to the TI prize pool. And the prize pool kept growing every year. TI10 has a massive $40,018,195 prize pool, with $38,418,195 being contributed by the community.

Every year, Valve releases a Dota 2 battle Pass (previously known as the Compendium), which is a virtual book comprising cosmetics, seasonal features, effects, and mini-games and a lot more. Players can buy the base compendium or even buy more levels with real money. 25% of all Battle Pass sales go towards the TI prize pool.

Valve released the TI10 battle pass last year on May 26, 2020 and the community’s contributions boosted the TI10 prize pool to more than $40 million. The TI10 compendium is free for all users and contains talent voice lines, tournament predictions, player card rosters, fantasy lineups and supporter’s Clubs.

How to Get Levels in TI10 Compendium?

The TI10 compendium is free for all Dota 2 players. However, there are still ways the community can contribute to help talent and teams. By doing so, they also level up their compendium and get a chance to earn unique treasure items.

There are many ways to earn compendium points in the TI10 Compendium including drafting a fantasy team, tournament predictions and also via the Team Supporters Club.

There are several ways to gain compendium levels in the TI10 Compendium.
There are several ways to gain compendium levels in the TI10 Compendium.

Vote in the TI10 Short Film Contest

Players can earn Compendium points by voting in the Short Film Contest. The Dota 2 Short Contest has some really creative short films submitted by the community. 

The Dota 2 Short Film Contest features some really creative video content by the community.
The Dota 2 Short Film Contest features some really creative video content by the community.

You can choose to like, dislike or just skip the short film without a rating. The Short film contest winners will be announced and showcased on the screens and stage of The International 10. The first-place receives $25,000 with the 2nd and 3rd place receiving $10,000 and $5,000 respectively.

Fill out Tournament Predictions

Do you think you know the Dota 2 esports scene? Well, even if you don’t, its worth it to make a prediction (check out for our predictions) and earn a few TI10 compendium points if some turn out to be correct.

Tournament Predictions are an excellent way to show your grasp on the current meta.
Tournament Predictions are an excellent way to show your grasp on the current meta.

The tournament predictions include:

  • Most picked hero.
  • Most Banned hero.
  • Hero with the highest win-rate Hero.
  • The hero with the Highest Kill Average.
  • Hero with the Highest Assist average.
  • Hero with the lowest Death Average.
  • The Hero with the highest Last high average.
  • Hero with the highest XPM average.
  • The Hero with the most Kills in a game.
  • The Hero with the most Last hits in a game.

How do you make the correct tournament predictions? Check out some Dota 2 statistics websites and you might insight into the popular heroes at the highest levels of the game. Alternatively, you can also check out for streamers with a high MMR and get information about the popular heroes.

Royal Flush - Player Cards

Complete at least 18 team player cards for the Royal Flush.
Complete at least 18 team player cards for the Royal Flush.

Valve introduced player cards last month and players can earn TI10 compendium points by doing the Royal Flush. The Royal Flush, in this case, means collecting player cards of at least 18 teams.

Bracket Savant

<em>You can earn up to 20,000 points depending on the number of correct tournament predictions.</em>
You can earn up to 20,000 points depending on the number of correct tournament predictions.

You know you Dota 2 and can make some accurate predictions about the most popular heroes. That’s great, but can you correctly guess the tournament brackets? If you can, Valve might just fly you to next year’s International event (they have done so in the past with a VIP pass no less). 

When Can We make TI10 Predictions?

Tournament predictions will open after the end of the group stage on October 11 and will be open for 24 hours.

Kind, Generous and Talented

Talent Voice lines and autographs are purchasable from within the Dota 2 client.
Talent Voice lines and autographs are purchasable from within the Dota 2 client.

TI10 Talent Autographs and Voie lines (level 5).

Valve has also released talent autographs and voicelines in the latest Dota 2 TI10 compendium. Purchase the autographs/voice lines of your favorite talent and you will get some Compendium points. 

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