Actions speak louder than words.
TSM have ended a dramatic week with a close run win in the ALGS Pro League. They narrowly snagged a victory, with a tense finish to game six earning them the points they needed to move ahead of FURIA.
Verhulst, centre of the war of words this week, was in blistering form. 'Big E' dropped a phenomenal 18 kills across the six games.
Elsewhere, FURIA and Complexity both ran TSM close. Just a single point separated the two sides, with an early death by FURIA in game six opening the door for several teams to try and pass them.
TSM are on fire
There was more than a bit of extra attention on TSM heading into this weekends games. Verhulst has been engaged in a very public post mortem of the final days of the TSM roster. Twitter, Reddit and YouTube has been awash with quotes, clips and opinions on everything that has been shared this week.
Ultimately, results speak louder than words and TSM were figuratively and literally fired up across the days six games. They are one of a clutch of teams to adopt Fuse, and it worked to great effect.

Fuse has proved great for area denial and forcing teams away. A simple bit of pressure applied to SKD Mark in Game 1 essentially earned TSM a win. This allowed them to force Dropped, Knoqd and Shooby into a total collapse of several teams. Then, they sat and waited as the survivors engaged each other. In the end, only a Cloud9 duo sat between TSM and a game one win.
This win set the tone for a very impressive Worlds Edge from TSM, who made the top four in all three games on the map. They backed this start up on Storm Point, finding the points they needed when it mattered. They grabbed a huge 10 kills in the final game, despite losing their Fuse in an earlier engagement.
Hal or no Hal, TSM are here to play in ALGS Split 2.
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Top Five
- TSM - 76
- FURIA - 69
- Complexity - 68
- LG - 56
- SKD MARK - 40
FURIA tear through lobby, but fall just short
It has been a tough week for FURIA's ImMadness. He has shared this week that he has suffered a torn ACL, which will require surgery to fix. He will have his surgery next week, and is hoping for a quick enough recovery that he can return home to compete in next weekends matches.
Naturally, he might be worried about what could happen if he is unable to play. If that was on ImMadness' mind, he will be reassured after FURIA's performance today. They were in top form, and have secured some crucial points towards the overall standings.
Their controlled aggression was especially impressive. In the days second game, FURIA made a critical push into TSM. They were able to sweep them out of the key position for the final zone. Grabbing two kills, and forcing the surviving Reps to run and rat the rest of the game out.

FURIA's decision making really helped them stand above their opposition across the days games. Knowing which fights to take, the intensity in which to take them and when to back off and cool down is much easier said than done.
While FURIA will be disappointed to finish second this was a fantastic performance from them overall.
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