Dark Depths event brings brand new Apex Arena map Habitat

Apex Legends’ newest event brings a nature-focused Arenas map based in a Leviathans breeding ground made for long-range combat.

Apex Legends' newest event is bringing a new Apex Arena map and water-themed cosmetics. Called Dark Depths, the event will run from January 11 to February 1.

Reads the official blog post on the event: "The waters of Storm Point may look clear, but our Legends know that danger lies within. Channel oceanic myths and folklore and discover a brand new  Arenas map called Habitat in the Dark Depths event."

Apex Legends Dark Depths: Habitat Arena map

Apex Arena players will find Habitat refreshing, and not just due to the water theme. Previous Arenas maps have been very mechanical, focused on teleporting tunnels, ramps, and rooftops. Oh and of course there was the Overflow lava map which arrived as part of the Thrillseekers Event back in August.

Habitat is located on an island in the New Antillia archipelago, once a Leviathan breeding ground. It features a lush landscape, rocky areas, and clear, blue water. A tranquil location... perfect for Apex Arena warfare.

According to Respawn Entertainment, Habitat was used as an ethology base to study Leviathans' behavior. But it's been over a century since that time and all the researchers have left. But Leviathans still remain.

"Habitat 4 was inspired by Leviathans and how it would feel to fight in their breeding grounds. It represents our vision of an arena established in a natural environment while holding true to the tentpoles of arena design," the developers said.

"With that being said, one of Habitat 4's key features is a large waterfall. Through the passage of time, it has eroded the landscape, forming trenches and terraces of varied elevation. Making this island a paradise for slides and quick getaways."

The Cave and the Nest are the two key points of interest in Habitat. Apex Arena players can hide behind giant Leviathan eggs for cover in the Nest, making the map perfect for mid and long-range combat. There are many great vantage points throughout the map thanks to the rocky terrain. There are also ziplines to help with mobility and rotation.