Broken Moon is changing…
Broken Moon is getting several major changes in Apex Legends Season 21. This includes the total removal of the controversial central POI, Promenade.
These changes are the first major adjustments to Broken Moon since it released. Season 21 won't feature a new map, leaving Broken Moon still as the newest addition to the game.
It is fair to say that Broken Moon has been 'marmite' amongst Apex Legends players. Some fans like the map, but a vocal section of the playerbase have strong issues with the map. Developers hope that these extensive changes will help fans enjoy games on Broken Moon moving forward.
Promenade getting decimated
Devs admitted that they might have made Promenade a little too difficult to fight in with Broken Moons original release. While they aimed for a "harrowing" experience, they have accepted that plenty of players did not enjoy the maps central POI.
That meant that one of their main goals for these Broken Moon Changes was to make the centre of the map "somewhere that players want to engage with."

So, with this in mind, what a coincidence that the collision between Olympus and Broken Moon happened to damage Promenade the hardest. Who could have guessed...
Now, a whole new POI called The Quarantine Zone sits in a huge crater where Promenade used to be. This will be a fast paced poi, with self contained Zip Rails that can transport players around the area. Compared to Promenade, devs say that "combat will be much more predictable, because the paths and buildings are much more clearly defined."
The hope is that this will be not only an enjoyable hot drop location, but also somewhere players want to travel through.
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There are now 20 drop locations
One of the unique features of Broken Moon on release was that it had less POI's than most maps. Instead, some locations were substantial in size and were designed to be shared. In practice though, this rarely happens in a peaceful way.
However after these changes, Broken Moon will have more POI's, for a total of 20. Having a drop spot for every team has long been a desired request of ALGS competitors. So, this might be a subtle nod that Broken Moon may enter the ALGS rotation at some point in the near future.
As a result, there is also a lot more loot around the map. This is also boosted by a series of "mini poi's" around the map.

Broken Moon changes will bring an entirely new look and feel
Broken Moon also sometimes took some criticism for being a bit of an ugly map. These changes will totally transform the visuals around the map. This is all tied into that collision with Olympus that we saw at the end of Season 20.

Devs say that Broken Moon feels "really unique now" with updates to the maps biomes, skybox, foliage and of course a lot of changes large and small to the various POI's around the map. They went on to highlight the visual changes as one of their favourite aspects of the Broken Moon update. They say the map really does feel like an alien world now, and players will find it a very different experience.
Enjoy all the Broken Moon changes when Apex Legends Season 21 releases, May 7.