Apex Weapon Mastery is arriving with Apex Legends Season 17. Each weapon will grant exclusive skins, trackers and banner frames when mastered.
Apex Legends: Arsenal will see the introduction of Apex Weapon Mastery.
Allowing players to level up each individual weapon to a maximum of 100. They will earn various prizes and XP along the way, with Level 100 granting an exclusive Legendary skin only unlockable through Weapon Mastery.
Weapon Mastery is a lifetime system, and will not reset season to season.
Apex Weapon Mastery arriving in Season 17
Devs say that this system will incentivise new and existing players to learn about the strengths and the characters of all the weapons. The goal here is to deepen player engagement, and encourage them to get hands on with all weapons. Plenty of players tend to have favoured weapons they focus on. Additionally, some players might not have even tried certain weapons, because they have no reason too.

Every 20 Levels a weapon specific trial will unlock. These trials will grant rewards when completed. These trials can be completed at any time, and in any order. So, if you get stuck on one, you can still complete others.
Getting a weapon to level 100, and completing all of the weapon trials is how you fully 'master' a weapon.
Apex weapon mastery will include weapon specific badges, weapon specific stat trackers for damage and kills, legendary weapon mastery banner frames and of course a legendary skin at completion.

Developers teased that the final trial for the Kraber involves hitting 360-no-scopes with the sniper.

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Apex Weapon Mastery has your lifetime stats tracked
Upon the release of Apex Season 17, fans were pleased that the new Apex Weapon mastery system has been tracking all their weapon stats since the game launched. That means that you can finally see which weapon you've had the most kills with. Furthermore, of these stats are visible by default, no level of mastery is needed!

You can also see which level you are at for each weapon individually, as well as view trials when you have unlocked them from this new weapon stats page. There are prompts for your highest ranked weapons, and which weapons are closest to levelling up. Which weapon have you done the most damage with?
How is this different to other mastery systems?
Perhaps the most well-known mastery system when it comes to weapons is in Call of Duty. Whilst the new mastery system in Apex allows for all weapons to progress up to level 100, that's not the same in Modern Warfare 2.
Not only that, when comes to securing weapon mastery in Call of Duty, players have to complete additional challenges to unlock new camos. Each weapon has its own base level, with four individual challenges that unlock at varying points of progression.

The intervals at which these are available is pretty random opposed to Apex's every 20 levels. It is different but the thought process appears similar.
Once all four of those are complete, players can then unlock a "Gold" camo by completing an extra challenge. Getting "Gold" on all weapons in a class unlocks "Platinum" challenges. Finish those and "Polyatomic" is next.

Call of Duty's camo grind is a time-sink. Developers encourage players to dedicate days upon days just to unlock the different paint jobs for their weapons in the game.
Will the new Apex Weapon mastery be more rewarding? Find out when Apex Legends: Arsenal drops May 9.
Also arriving in Season 17 are Worlds Edge changes, a new survival item, an updated firing range, and a new legend.
Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Apex Legends coverage and esports news.