Apex Legends Code Clock: Step by step fixes

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

A step by step guide on how to fix Apex Legends Code Clock. Don’t let Apex’s pesky severs stop you from playing!

Apex Legends Code Clock is one of a number of Apex Legends error codes. It is a server related error, where the Apex Servers have stopped waiting for you to connect to them.

Now, we all know Apex Servers can be unreliable - but this issue is normally the client side rather than the server side.

How to fix Apex Legends Code Clock

  1. Check the status of Apex servers. Visit a website like Apex Legends Server Status to see if there are reported issues with the game.
  2. Run an internet speed test, to make sure there is not a problem with your internet. A speedtest like fast.com will give you accurate results.
  3. You can then try swapping data centres from the Apex main menu, to see if that helps you connect. Try servers from different regions, if you can handle higher ping!
  4. If those steps have not worked, you can try and restart your internet connection
  5. Then, try and restart your Computer, Playstation or Xbox if you are still experiencing Apex Legends Code Clock

Advanced steps to fix Apex Legends Code Clock

If none of those steps have worked, it might be worth checking Apex Legends Status again! Perhaps you were one of the first people to experience a new error with Apex Legends Code Clock, and there might now be more reports of issues.

If there is still no clear error on Apex's end, then here are some more drastic options you could try. You could also simply just try again in a few hours, if you don't want to try any of these steps.

Code Clock fixes for PC:

  • If you are on PC, you could try a different launcher. Use the EA App or Steam depending which one you are having issues with.
  • You can also try repairing your game files, to see if that helps. This is known as "verifying integrity" on Steam.

Code Clock fixes for PC & Console:

  • Delete and reinstall the game. This is a last resort and only worth trying if you have experienced this issue for some time.

Hopefully, that has resolved your Code Clock issue.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more Apex Legends coverage and esports news.