Look no further for the five best Descendants available in The First Descendant. This will definitely help you pick a main.

There are loads of Descendants in The First Descendant, but a handful can absolutely be called the best. You can pick whoever you want to fit your playstyle, but if you just want to know who is going to run through the Vulgus like a semi-truck, we've got you covered.

Top 5 best Descendants in The First Descendant

Here are the five best Descendants you can pick from in The First Descendant.


(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

Bunny is one of the first Descendants you meet, but you have to play through the story a bit to unlock her. It is absolutely worth it, as she's arguably the best of them in The First Descendant. And it's not because of some of her skins.

She is the fastest character in the game, hands down. Bunny also works from a variety of ranges with her electrical abilities. Use a weapon from afar and if the Vulgus get to close, push them back with her orb. She's just downright powerful.


(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

Ajax is one tanky son of a gun. He is for sure the best defensive character that you'll find in The First Descendant. And the best part? He's one of the default characters you can pick from the beginning, meaning you don't have to go through any quests to add him to your roster.

His damage output isn't astounding, but you can make it better with powerful weapons. His stomping ability is a great way to clear an area and his shields can withstand attacks from some of the toughest bosses around.


(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

Gley is a perfect Descendant for those of you who want to play solo sometimes. In her basic state, her damage is laughable, but she recovers health after each kill. Net those kills to reach her Frenzied state and she becomes a damage-dealing fiend.

To top it off, during Frenzy, the Sensory ability gives unlimited ammo for a short period. Gley is not very intimidating from the get go, but you put in the hours to level her up and get her some amazing equipment and you've got perhaps one of the deadliest Descendants there is.


(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

Nothing beats a good DPS character. Lepic is the best in that role in The First Descendant. Like Ajax, he is one of the starters you can choose from. The fact that he's available right away seems criminal when you start to realize how strong he can be.

Lepic has plenty of area of effect attacks, such as grenades, and can self-buff like no other. If you want to simply decimate your enemies without any fancy equipment, abilities, or really any thinking at all, Lepic is your man.


(Screenshot via esports.gg)
(Screenshot via esports.gg)

We end our list with another DPS character, who does things a bit differently than Lepic. While in the same role, they fit two completely different styles. Lepic is a very selfish character, while Valby may be the best supporting DPS in The First Descendant.

A supporting DPS? Its true. She has water-based abilities and can even enter a Liquified state. This lets her run through enemies, dealing damage, but also leaving a trail that acts as a barrier to protect her allies. If you need a way out while still inflicting some pain, Valby is it.

Give them a try and see for yourself! Stay tuned to esports.gg for more esports news and The First Descendant coverage.