Looking for your favorite fighter to learn under in Street Fighter 6 World Tour? We got you covered with all the Masters’ locations!
In Street Fighter 6’s open-world single-player mode, World Tour, you can adopt any of the game’s fighters as your Master. But finding them isn’t always easy. Here’s our guide on all the Masters in Street Fighter 6 World Tour and where to find them!
Where to find all Masters in Street Fighter 6 World Tour
Below we’ve listed every single We’ve done this in the chronological order of when you can unlock them. You don’t have to unlock them in this order, but they’re listed in the order that is easiest to unlock. Doing this took us around 20 hours (it will probably take others less time, as we were also mixing in Battle Hub play as well).

Luke is the first Master you’ll unlock in the game, and your character automatically enrolled as his student as you start the game. It also means he’ll be one of the first you level up. However, you’ll still need to work at it to max out his Bond!

Chun-Li is unlocked almost immediately in Chapter 2-1 and you’ll find her in Metro City, in the Chinatown district, near Beat Street. Having her as a Master is part of the main story, and you’ll have to talk to her to continue it.

Marisa is the first optional Master you can miss. You’ll need to head to the Colosseo in Rome as part of Chapter 3-3, but you’ll also need to talk to Marisa after the fact to make sure you become her student.

Lily is the first Master hidden behind a sub mission. You’ll need to take on a side mission called The Spirit Guide which becomes available during Chapter 4-1. We have a full guide for unlocking Lily as well.

Blanka is of course based in Brazil. He’s unlockable from Chapter 6-1 onwards, and you’ll meet him during the story. But you’ll need to actually talk to him after the mission to unlock him as a Master.
Dee Jay

Like Blanka, you’ll meet Dee Jay during the main story of Chapter 6-1, but you’ll need to make sure to talk to him after you’ve done the main mission for Luke to unlock him. His location, Jamaica, Bathers Beach, is also one of the best location for Gift items.

Cammy is unlocked by an optional sub mission called Special Unit Del—? After the start of Chapter 7-1. You can follow our full guide on unlocking Cammy for more information.

Manon is also hidden behind a sub mission called Extra, and is unlockable after Chapter 7-3. We have a full guide on unlocking her as your Master.

Ken is part of the main story, and located in Metro City. Again, like Marisa, you can miss adopting him as your Master if you don’t talk to him. Follow the main story quest and then gain access to the construction site. Talk to Ken after the story mission to unlock him as your Master.
E. Honda (Edmond Honda)

Edmond Honda, (E. Honda) is unlocked during the main story, as you need to get a picture of the legendary Sumo for Chapter 8-4. But again, you’ll need to make sure you talk to him after the fact to unlock him as a Master.
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Same with E. Honda, Ryu is part of the main story and you need to get a picture of him for the story to advance. Like with other Masters, you’ll need to talk to him after the story to make sure you unlock him as a Master.

Guile is part of the story in Chapter 8-7, and you’ll find him on the aircraft carrier Bryon Taylor. There’s a mission based on the Carrier, and after you’ve defeated that mission, you can talk to Guile to unlock him as a Master.

We have a full guide for unlocking Kimberly, but long story short: After Chapter 8-7 you can find her on top of the Police Station in Metro City. This is after you’ve encountered her as part of the mission in the Construction Site.

Jamie can first be found in the Alleyway near where Chun-Li is found during the night. You’ll find him on top of the roof in Chinatown after Chapter 8-7. We have a full guide on that if you need!

Zangief is unlocked towards the end of the main story in a sub mission called Hither and Tither after Chapter 9-1. Here’s our full guide on unlocking Zangief as a Master.

Similarly to Zangief, Dhalsim is unlocked near the end of the game in one of the longer-winded sub missions called Yoga Statue. We have a full guide for this mission and unlocking Dhalsim.

The penultimate Master in the base story, Juri is first encountered in London, early in World Tour, but not unlockable as a Master until Chapter 12, although you can start the mission in Chapter 11. Here’s a full guide.

JP, the mysterious villain of SF6 is unlocked as your Final Master in the base game. We have a dedicated guide for that, but basically, you need to complete the whole story before you can unlock JP.

Rashid, the Turbulent Wind, is the first DLC character, but that doesn't stop him from helping out your World Tour avatar. To unlock him, head to Nayshalls during the night, and defeat him. We've also written a full guide to help you with this!
DLC Masters? Future World Tour Chapters?
In the future the DLC characters will be unlockable Masters in World Tour. We’ll be updating this article, and bringing you all the info.
For more guides and info on Street Fighter 6, keep your eyes locked on esports.gg!