Uxie Pokémon GO Raid guide (Counters, Candy tips & more)

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Get ready for the raids.

The Road to Sinnoh event will see Uxie return to Pokémon GO raids on Wednesday February 22. The Lake trio in Pokémon GO are all region specific, so Uxie will be available in the Asia-Pacific region (or by remote raids).

Uxie is not the most powerful Pokémon in terms of offence. However it does have a bulky defence stat, which makes it the hardest of the Lake trio to take down in raids.

This Uxie Pokémon GO raid guide will give you everything you need to win your raids.

Lake Trio Raid Guides:

Best Uxie counters in Pokémon GO:

Uxie is a Psychic-type Pokémon meaning it is weak to Bug, Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon.

Here are the best Uxie counters in Pokémon GO:

Mega Tyranitar
Bite & Brutal Swing
Mega Gengar
Lick & Shadow Ball
Shadow Chandelure
Hex & Shadow Ball
Mega Houndoom
Snarl & Foul Play
Bite & Brutal Swing
Origin Forme Giratina
Shadow Claw & Shadow Force
Snark & Shadow Ball
Mega Scizor
Fury Cutter & X-Scissor
Bug Bite & Bug Buzz
Snarl & Brutal Swing
Snark & Foul Play
Snark & Dark Pulse

There is a wide range of Pokémon that Uxie is weak too available. Mega Tyranitar is by far the most powerful Uxie counter, and if you have any in your storage they are well worth using. Non-mega Tyranitar is also a good pick, so if you have several make sure to use them all.

Darkrai, who is Monday's road to Sinnoh tour event raid boss, is also a great pick. Maybe try and grab one or two of those if you plan to raid Uxie on Wednesday.

Mega Evolutions to get you more Uxie candy in Pokémon GO

Mega Evolutions can help you get more candy and XL candy with every catch. Having a mega level 3 active that boosts candy for Psychic types will give you an extra 2 candy per catch, as well as a 25% bonus to your XL candy chance.

  • Alakazam
  • Slowbro
  • Gardevoir
  • Medicham
  • Latias
  • Latios

How many trainers do I need to beat Uxie in Pokémon GO?

Uxie's high defence stat means it does require you to have a decent group of trainers to take it down. You'll need 4-8 higher level trainers, and perhaps even as many as 10 lower level trainers to take Uxie down.

Uxie Pokémon GO 100% IV

While Uxie is not the most powerful Pokémon, a 100% IV is always attractive for any Pokémon.

Here are the 100% IV CP values to keep an eye out for after your Uxie raid.

  • 1442 CP
  • 1803 CP (Weather boosted)

Weather Effects:

Weather boost can help you save candy, get better IVs and benefit from power boosts on your team. Here are the weather effects to keep an eye on when taking on these raids.

WindyAllows a higher level UxieBoost Uxie's Psychic moves
Partly Cloudy-Boosts Uxie's Swift
RainyBoosts Bug-type PokémonBoosts Uxie's Thunder
FogBoosts Dark and Ghost-type Pokémon

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