Unsure of what deck to craft? Hurry up and playtest 11 decks from the new Titans Hearthstone expansion FOR FREE! Lists below.

The TITANS expansion is here, and every Hearthstone player is eager to play with these new iconic characters. Do you know that you can take 11 Titans decks, one for each class for free with this week's Hearthstone Tavern Brawl and win a pack on top? Check out what lists are available in this article.

"TITANS come to play! Choose a class and enjoy the latest deck recipes!"

A Titans Recipe Hearthstone Tavern Brawl

Repeating what happened during the Festival of Legends expansion launch, Hearthstone introduced the Titans Recipe Tavern Brawl. This is another step in making the game more accessible for new and returning players.

Blizzard offers Hearthstone players the chance to test 11 Festival of Legends decks completely for free. If you are a new or returning player don't miss our guide on Hearthstone's Free/Loaner decks.

Titans Recipes

These are the Titans decks you can try out in this Hearthstone Tavern Brawl.

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Plaguebringer Death Knight deck code:


"Infect your opponent with deadly plagues to bring about their demise! With the help of Helya, your opponent won't be able to escape your plagues"

Runic Adorment Demon Hunter deck code:


"Surprise and overwhelm your opponent with a flurry of cast when drawn spells!"

Blossoming Treants Druid deck code:


"Shape the battlefield to your advantage with a swarm of Treants and Choose One cards!"

When playing in this week's Tavern Brawl, you will get one of the recipes offered when you start building a new deck. This gives you the chance to test one deck for each class without the need of buying a single Titans Hearthstone pack.

Hearthstone Titans decks recipes Hunter
Hearthstone Titans decks recipes Mage
Hearthstone Titans decks recipes Paladin

Titanic Traps Hunter deck code:


"Set deadly traps to stop your opponent in their tracks. Close out the game with Aggramar and the power of Taeshalach!"

Elemental Creations Mage deck code:


"Harness the powers of all spell schools to empower your cards! Close out the game with Norgannon and Elemental Inspiration."

Divine Resurgence Paladin deck code:


"Summon fallen allies back to the battlefield with Tyr's help. As the game goes on, your Golems will become unstoppable forces."

Have in mind that these Hearthstone decks are not fully optimized versions and that the Titans meta is still fresh. While some might be competitive, the idea behind deck recipes is to showcase the Titans expansion mechanics.

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Astral Array Priest deck code:


"Resurrect and copy your minions to create an ever-growing army of mechanical minions!"

Mimiron's Machinations Rogue Hearthstone Titans recipe deck code:


"Mastermind a mechanical revolution with the help of Mimiron. Combine your mechs in different ways each game to overwhelm your opponent!"

Call of Thunder Shaman deck code:


"Set up for a big swing turn with Flash of Lightning. Play as many Nature spells as you can before unleashing a Crash of Thunder on your enemy!"

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Forged Fiends Warlock deck code:


"Summon massive minions from your hand or deck to copy with the Forge of Wills! Sargeras provides unending demonic power from the Twisting Nether to close out the game."

Odyn's Aegis Warrior deck code:


"Gain tons of Armor and destroy any minions that may oppose you. Odyn will turn your defense into offense to finish off your opponent."

Where to find the Hearthstone Titans Deck recipes

If you want to experiment with these recipes, change some cards and play on ladder, you can find them when creating a deck in your collection.

The process to find these Hearthstone deck recipes from the Titans Tavern Brawl is simple:

  1. Go to My Collection
  2. Create a New Deck
  3. Select the class you want to see the recipe deck from
  4. Chose the third option (left to right)

If you want to know more about the Titans Hearthstone expansion, decks and mechanics, feel free to check out the following articles and guides we have crafted for you.

That's all for now. As always, stay tuned for more Hearthstone news and updates.