Budget Hearthstone Decks for Voyage to the Sunken City. Survive week 1 without spending!

If you are a budget player and don’t want to invest your resources, we bring you 9 deck options to enjoy Hearthstone before the meta settles.

Today we will bring you 9 Budget Deck options to enjoy Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Voyage to the Sunken City, without going bankrupt. On top of the codes, you will get a brief explanation of the deck and mulligan choices. Furthermore, we will highlight some cards that can improve these Hearthstone Budget Decks to make them a bit better. 

Hearthstone Budget Decks - Voyage to the Sunken City

We have investigated many possible options from different Hearthstone deck builders, and we will present you with 9 Budget decks to test and enjoy the expansion without spending. The key to these Budget decks is that they use almost no legendaries, or if they do, they are popular cards from previous Hearthstone expansions that you probably have in your collection.

Bear in mind that the meta is far from settled, and the power level of the decks may vary. Furthermore, remember that Hearthstone is a game, and what really matters is that you get to play a deck you enjoy. Take a deep breath we are gonna dive and Dredge 9 Hearthstone Budget Decks for Voyage to the Sunken City.

The authors highlighted as a source might not have been the original deck builders of the archetype. They are the ones who brew these Hearthstone budget versions.

Warrior - Hearthstone Budget Deck

Quest Warrior is an ideal Budget Deck to play in the first days of Hearthstone’s expansion. Not only you don’t need almost any new cards, but on top of that, it is performing above average. Furthermore, you will most likely have every card. The game plan is simple, play for tempo, and you will have tons of value after Rokara.

  • Author: NoHandsGamer
  • Code: AAECAQcEju8DmPYDv4AE1fEDDf7nA5X2A5b2A5f2A8/7A5yBBKaKBK2gBK+gBIqwBKmzBJC3BLLBBAA=
  • Mulligan: Low-cost pirates, especially Harbor Scamp or Bloodsail Deckhand
  • Upgrades: Nellie, The Great Thresher

Mech Mage Hearthstone Budget Deck

If you are interested in trying a brand new Hearthstone archetype, Mech Mage can be your Budget Deck of choice. With some interesting synergies, this tempo deck has many value generators and is capable of exhausting control opponents. The legendary cards aren’t mandatories, they just add some power. 

  • Author: LanguageHacker
  • Code: AAEBAf0EAA/D+QOfkgT9ngThpASpswSStQThtQTJtwTKtwTduQTjuQSywQTY2QTfFuS5BAA=
  • Mulligan: Irondeep Trogg and Seafloor Gateway

Mech Paladin Hearthstone Budget Deck

Continuing with the new spicy decks, this Mech Paladin is cheap enough to fit in our Budget Hearthstone’s Deck article. If you have Ini or The Leviathan you can upgrade this deck to a better version with those cards, but it works fine without them. Look for Radar to draw your Sunken Mooncatchers and abuse the Divine Shield synergies.

  • Author: Feelink
  • Mulligan: Radar Detector and Prismatic Jewel Kit

Priest Hearthstone Budget Deck

If you want new decks, this Mech Paladin is cheap enough to fit in our Budget Hearthstone’s Deck article. This Hearthstone deck is a scam deck that can be toxic as the old Barnes-Yasharaj combo, but it's a Budget Deck. The only card you want is Switcheroo to get Twin-fin Fin-Twins the size of Deathwing. If you high roll the combo, you beat almost every deck. Epic cards can be exchanged if you don’t own them, just don’t put minions.

  • Author: HsReplay
  • Code: AAECAa0GAriKBJzHBA6Y6wOe6wOH9wOI9wOtigSEnwSFnwS/nwTLoASEowSJowSKowSitgT28QQA
  • Mulligan: Toss Deathwing and Twin-fin Fin-Twins and hard mulligan for Switcheroo

Murloc Warlock Hearthstone Budget Deck

Murlocs are back in Voyage in the Sunken City. This is the full version of the deck but you can cut the Legendary Colossal minion if you don’t have it. The key is to be ahead on board, buff your murlocs and utilize Chum Bucket to get an unbeatable board.

  • Author: Feelink
  • Mulligan: One-Drops, Voidgill, and Azsharan Scavenger

Hunter Budget Deck

Quest Hunter is also a viable Hearthstone Budget Deck right now since it doesn’t need much from the last expansion. There is a Naga version, but according to HsReplay stats, the deck works better without them. Try to keep your opponents board in check while progressing the quest, then just switch to machinegun mode and close the game.

  • Author: NoHandsGamer
  • Code: AAECAR8C5e8D/fgDDtzqA9vtA/f4A6iBBKuNBKmfBKqfBOOfBOSfBLugBMGsBJmtBJ2wBIzUBAA=
  • Mulligan: Cheap damage spells to control early board

Quest Rogue

Quest Rogue repeats the same recipe that Hunter or Warrior, using mostly cards from previous expansions. Focus your game plan on completing the quest while not floating mana, Gizmos can be good tempo tools. If you have Mr. Smite you can add it for extra reach.

  • Author: Feelink
  • Code: AAECAaIHBP7uA6b5A8eyBJjUBA336AOq6wOf9AOh9AOi9AOj9QOm9QO9gAT1nwT2nwSloAT+rAS3swQA
  • Mulligan: Two-Drops or SIV:7 Agent with coin.

Elemental Shaman

Quest Rogue repeats the same recipe that Hunter or Warrior, using mostly cards from previous expansions. Focus your game plan on completing the quest while not floating mana. Gizmos can be good tempo tools. If you have Mr. Smite, you can add it for extra reach.

  • Author: Bunnyhoppor
  • Mulligan: Look for an early curve and Granite Forgeborn for discounts

Deathrattle Demon Hunter

Surprise surprise, our last deck is an old friend from Forged in the Barrens expansion. This Hearthstone Budget Deck works decently in this board-centric meta because of its Deathrattles. If you happen to out-tempo your opponent with Death Speaker Blackthorn, you will not have any problem closing the match with Illidari Inquisitor.

  • Author: Feelink
  • Code: AAECAea5Awa/7QOK9wPIgASoigTUnwTWnwQMu+0DvO0D/e0DqO8Dr+8Di/cDgIUEqZEEyZ8EqbMEtbME0bcEAA==
  • Mulligan: Tuskpiercer, Razorboar, and Razorfen Beastmasters

Once again, make sure you don’t make any big investments if you are a Budget player since Hearthstone’s meta isn’t settled and it is hard to predict which decks will be strong in the next weeks. Pick a class you like and try to enjoy this first week of the expansion.

So far, the first impression is that the board is where games are decided, so try not to be greedy and play for tempo. Make sure to make good choices during the mulligan stage, that will be paramount to increasing your win rate. Legend is just some games away!

Hope you linked these decks, stay tuned to Esports.gg for more Hearthstone news and updates. See you next time in Sunken City.