The Titans are among us, and we bring you a series of decks -codes included- to try out on day 1 of this new Hearthstone expansion.
The Hearthstone Titans expansion goes live today, so for you to be prepared we've gathered 10 decks from different creators to test on day 1. What's more, we will be linking each creator, so in case you like any, you can get a sense of how they work.
If 10 aren't enough for you and you want to eat the whole Hearthstone Titans expansion on day 1, the creators we are featuring have posted many other decks. Feel free to browse and give them a follow in the meantime.
10 Decks for Titans Hearthstone Expansion
First of all, a discloser. These decks aren't final versions, and there are no guarantees about how good or popular they can be in a week from now. Furthermore, if you are on a budget, you might want to think twice before crafting any of these Titans decks, Hearthstone's meta will change, and you could be risking a lot of resources.
If you want some advice on how to handle your collection, especially on expansion times, check out this article with a detailed guide about the topic.
That being said, time to go over the decks for the latest Hearthstone expansion, Titans. We've divided the following decks into Tempo, Late-game oriented -we don't say de C word here- and Combo categories. But every deck is flexible and has extra tricks so give them all a try.
Tempo decks for Titans Hearthstone Expansion
Let's start with the more linear Titans decks, with board-oriented strategies, something Hearthstone has been pushing for a while. The general game plan for these decks is for you to take the board early, get some chip damage and then have a finisher or just aggro your opponent down before they are able to put their plan online.
First in line, we have Rami's Zoo Warlock, featuring Imprisoned Horror. Play cards, damage yourself, play more cards, win the game.

Deck code: AAECAf0GApvkBObkBQ6EoATL4gTHwgXIwgXdwgWE5QWt7QXO+AXO+gXX+gXm/wXjgAbEngbXogYAAA==
Coming up next in this Hearthstone Titans deck parade we have Old Guardian's Face Hunter. Play it before Always a Bigger Jormungar gets nerfed!

Deck code: AAECAR8C/vgF1/kFDoiyBMDTBLjjBMHjBMzkBNDkBKqkBeT1BZf2BZn2Bcj2BdL4BeT4BbCeBgA=
Talking about Hunter, a Wild Funki Monki appeared. Don't get me wrong, it's just a saying the following deck is legal in Hearthstone Standard format. Or well, at least until Arthas finds a way to solve this Plague problem.

Deck code: AAECAfHhBAaQ5ATg9gTipAXLpQWT+wXt/wUMlrcE8OMEh/YEk4EFopkF5coF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF+PkF6/8FAA==
By the way, there's never a bad occasion to remember Ben Brode's Arthas rap, feel free to listen while we continue with our 10 Day 1 decks for the TITANS Hearthstone expansion list.
You can't talk about Tempo decks without mentioning Rogue, and this Hearthstone Titans expansion brings us some alternatives. Vicious Syndicate has put this list together with a nice Scourge Illusionist twist. As with every Rogue deck, it has some small Combo potential, allowing you to magnetize Containment Units onto Lab Constructors for a killing effect.

Deck code: AAECAaIHBNi2BMygBeigBbb2BQ32nwT3nwT13QShkwXdoAXfoAXgoAXZ0AWh+gXm+gWh/AX7/AW5/gUAAA==
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Late-game oriented decks
I don't care what other people call this, they all have a clear win condition, with Midrange becoming a bad word and refusing to promote Control decks, this is how I get peace of mind. For those who love longer games, try these decks and tell me how well they perform on Hearthstone's Titan expansion.
With Titans bringing back Poggo-hopper-like minions, Nohandsgamer, one of Hearthstone's finest deck builders, presents us with this Astral Priest archetype. How big can you go?

Deck code: AAECAa0GCKG2BKi2BOy6BO+RBc/GBc/2Bdj2Ba//BQv52wS43AS63ASGgwWkkQXgpAW7xwWm8QXt9wXjgAa4ngYAAA==
Titans Hearthstone expansion might bring the final puzzle pieces for Warrior decks to be great again. Reqvam kept Festival of Legends Rock power to increase minion stats way off the charts.

Not going so big as Jades did in the past, the Tyr Earthen Paladin deck Roffle put together for the Hearthstone Titans theorycrafting tries to take the same path. Is this enough? I don't know, play it at your own risk.

Deck code: AAECAdWqBgSwsgSk7wSL/gWN/gUNnJ8E7p8EyaAEktQEgeIEwOIE7ukFlPUFh/4Fiv4F64AGwoIGz54GAAA=
Combo decks for Titans Hearthstone Expansion
I know you were all waiting for these Titans decks, what Hearthstone player doesn't love bursting their opponent down in one turn? That's why we bring you 3 different options.
Lunalove dominated the Titans Theorycrafting Hearthstone event with this OTK Shaman. In her tweet, you can also find some interesting tips to understand the deck better.
Deck code: AAECAaoIBPy0BLLRBY31BcL5BQ35nwT9nwS22QS+0AXE0AX26AXN7gWl9QXK+AXL+AWH+wW/ngbmngYAAA==
We are almost reaching the end and we've been saving the best for last. This Combo Druid deck Languagehacker brings might not be it, but check out the amazing lethal on the Titans Hearthstone Theorycrafting stream. Worth trying at least.
Deck code: AAECAZICCK6fBOKkBcKlBcbHBZ/zBdv6Bd36BeOABgvanwSuwATB3wTuowX83wWK4AWR4AWp4AXx+gWYgAb9jQYAAA==
Finally, ClarkHELLSCREAM brings us a deck he claims could dominate the Hearthstone Titans meta. The Sif Combo mage, might not be an easy game to pilot, but will for sure give you satisfying victories.

Deck code: AAECAf0ECL/+BauYBb/+BauYBdH4BdiyBIf1Bev0BQuAwgWCkwWqmAXL/gXb3gTY/gXz8gXs9gWk/wXxgAat7QUAAA==
Closing thoughts
Day 1 of any Hearthstone expansion is the time when everything is possible and every deck can be viable. Feel free to experiment, but be conscious if you don't have many resources to spare.
If you want more decks to play during the Hearthstone Titans expansion's first week, check out the linked creators, they have put a lot of work into making content for you.
Also, don't forget to give our expansion content a read, you might find the answer you were looking for and some extra tips along the way.
- How to create a Hearthstone Fireside Gathering and open TITANS ahead of the expansion
- When does TITANS expansion launch in your local time
- All TITANS expansion Card Reveals
- TITANS power Tier List
- Hearthstone Signature Cards for the TITANS Expansion
- TITANS Theorycrafting event
- TITANS lore and backstories
- Cora's TITANS hotness Tier List
- How does the new Forge Keyword work
- How TITANS minions work
- Titans Expansion announcement and interview
Feel free to explore our Hearthstone news and guides section for more related info. Be sure to visit for all the latest esports news. See you next time in the Tavern.